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Posted By: The_Welder Margin Problem with 6.21 - 09/08/07 12:04 PM
I don't know if someone has already mentioned this, but I have
looked for a post about it and couldn't find one. Has anyone
noticed that when a line of text goes off the right hand side of
the screen onto the following line, that it loses it's
formatting? (ie. colour, bold/underline etc.)?

I think it only happens if the text itself has to be split onto
the next line, but I've not experimented enough to pin-down
exactly how this bug is causing it's visual problems.
Posted By: SladeKraven Re: Margin Problem with 6.21 - 09/08/07 12:11 PM
I can't seem to reproduce.

mIRC 6.21
Posted By: Wims Re: Margin Problem with 6.21 - 09/08/07 05:09 PM
Which type of lines ? text from user ? from you ? from a /echo ?
Posted By: Horstl Re: Margin Problem with 6.21 - 09/08/07 10:09 PM
I presume to know what the OP is talking about, or at least something quite similar.
As far as I know the phenomena I am talking about has been reported , but I was unable to find a matching thread.
To reproduce:
//var %str = $+($chr(3),05,O,$chr(3),07,O) | echo -a $str(%str,50)
Having that line in some window, slowly resize the horizontal with of that window: every now and then, the leftmost part of that string on a new line gets messed up.
Tested with:
$version = 6.21
1) .type = channel, .mdi = $true, .font = Arial
2) .type = custom, .mdi = $true, .font = Times New Roman (aline -p)
3) .type = custom, .mdi = $false (aline -p)

Now try:
//var %str = $+($chr(3),05,OO,$chr(3),07,OO) | echo -a $str(%str,50)
Testing with "text" longer than one char, there is no such weird bug. I guess it's about indent and/or is related to the fact that there is only one text char between the control codes in the first example.
Posted By: Riamus2 Re: Margin Problem with 6.21 - 09/08/07 11:11 PM
I believe I saw somewhere that this is already fixed whenever the next version comes out. I can't find the topic now, though.
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