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I searched without finding reference to this.

$disk(drive_letter:\path).label does not return the volume label if the path exists.
mirc.hlp says you can use $disk(path|N), but $disk(path).label does not return the volume label if the 'path' is an existing foldername longer than c:\

$disk(c:\windows\).label does not return a value if c:\windows exists.

$disk(d:\windows\).label does return the volume label if d:\windows does not exists.

In both cases, the .free property is returning the free space.

If the 'path' is a filename, the volume label is returned whether or not the file exists. The only way I can get the .label property to not return the label is when the foldername exists.

If I create folder DTEST below mirc folder, then $disk(DTEST).label is blank and $disk(DTEST).free returns the free space from C: drive.

After i delete the DTEST folder, $disk(DTEST).label returns the volume label for the D: drive and $disk(DTEST).free returns the free space on the D: drive, even though the DTEST path doesn't contain a colon.

tested with mIRC 6.16 and 6.17
Of course it will return null if path is deeper. A directory does not have a label, only a drive does.
You may use this:
var %path = c:\windows
noop $regex(%path,/^([a-z]:(?:\\|\/))/i)
var %drive = $regml(1)
echo 4 -a Label name of driver that has the folder %path is: $disk(%drive).label

If you wanted to get 'windows' from c:\windows, this is not the label, this is the folder name.
You may use this:
var %path = c:\windows
if ($right(%path,1) == \) var %tpath = $nopath($left(%path,-1))
else var %tpath = $nopath(%path)
echo 4 -a %path => %tpath
Of course it will return null if path is deeper. A directory does not have a label, only a drive does.

But mIRC is not being consistent. $disk(c:\windows\).free and $disk(c:\windows\).type and $disk(c:\windows\).size all return the appropriate values, while $disk(c:\windows\).label is being handled differently. You could argue that a directory doesn't have a .type either, and the .size is not related to a specific directory either. If it's not returning a value because directories don't have a label, then it shouldn't return the label for non-existant folders or existing c:\path\filenames either.

I wasn't needing to get 'windows' out of c:\windows, i was using it as an example of a foldername that should exist for most people. Like lots of bugs in the past, extra scripting can be added to handle it, I just wasn't expecting that I'd need to do that since all the other .prop didn't require it.
I could be wrong, but I dont think mIRC's $disk identifier is ment to be used the way you are trying to use it.
from the help files:

Returns information about the specified hard disk, where N = 0 for total available drives, and N > 0 to access each drive.

Properties: type, free, label, size, unc, path

$disk(c:) returns $true if drive c: exists, otherwise $false

The unc property returns the path for a network drive.

all it is for is mounted drives, hard disks and CDrom drives, not folder Anything.
the Path you see is relating to a Networked drive not a file path.
maybe what you want is in other identifiers
Returns $true if a file or dir exists and $false if it doesn't.

$exists(c:\mirc\mirc.exe) returns $true or $false.

Returns information about the specified file.
Properties: size, ctime, mtime, atime, shortfn, longfn, attr

$finddir(dir,wildcard,N,depth,@window | command)
Searches the specified directory and its subdirectories for the Nth directory name matching the wildcard specification and returns the full path and directory if it is found.
Attaching to the last message only, not directly replying to it.

The use of folders in a $disk() is ment to be there because a folder within a disk DOES NOT mean it is the same disk, windows NTFS drives have the ability to attach diskdrives into folders of other disks, if you specify such a folder you recieve information relating to the attached diskdrive , not the "parent" drive that contains the folder.

you have a C: and D: harddisk
on the C: you create a folder "C:\program files\morespace"
next click start/control panel/administitive tools/computer management/disk management and right click on D: and select "change drive letter and paths", click add then select "mount into the following empty NTFS folder", browse to "C:\program files\morespace" then OK your way back out

$disk(C:\) well refer to C:
$disk(C:\program files\morespace) well refer to D:

For this reason i can understand why .label results in $null is subfolderswhich are not attached drives, the folder is scaned for the LABEL directory entery and one is not found so the drive label is returned as $null, in my example above should D: been labeled PHYSICAL081 this would have been returned by $disk(C:\program files\morespace).label
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