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Posted By: poiuy_qwert Bug with $* - 22/02/06 01:30 AM
Me and a few other people get a bug where when using $* in an eval script gives `~$*. This happened in 6.16 and still happens in 6.17. I havn't investigated this further than using 2 eval scripts but these are what i used:
; in a channel type [b]/e $me $*[/b]
alias e {
  var %ticks $tick
  say $+([,$($1-,1),]) == $+([,$iif($($1-,2),$v1,$!null),]) ( $+ $calc($ticks - %ticks) $+ ms)

; in a channel type [b]$me $*[/b]
on *:INPUT:#:{
  if (($left($1,1) == $) || ($left($1,1) == %)) && ($ctrlenter != $true)  {
    var %ticks $ticks
    say $+([,$1-,]) == $+([,$iif($eval($1-,2) == $null,Invalid,$v1),]) $+($chr(40),$calc($ticks - %ticks),ms,$chr(41))

Edit: un-piped code
Posted By: Khaled Re: Bug with $* - 22/02/06 01:13 PM
The $* identifier is an old and no longer documented identifier and was removed from the mIRC help file many versions ago. There are no plans to make any further changes it. For looping you should now use while or goto loops.
Posted By: hixxy Re: Bug with $* - 22/02/06 03:13 PM
This has been reported before. There are messy hacks you can use to get $* to work inside of identifiers but I wouldn't recommend any of them.
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