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From 6.17 versions.txt:

79. Fixed switchbar button text color not matching XP theme color.

I am not sure which theme text this is supposed to match, but it does not appear to be button or dialog text. All I get is black, which is unreadable with a dark windows theme.

In my opinion, the best solution to this is to allow for a separate color setting. It seems like it would have been an easier and more functional addition. I am not giving up dark themes just for mIRC. :tongue:
Posted By: root66 Re: 6.17 switchbar button text - 19/02/06 02:32 AM
Someone else recently posted a report stating that when you set a background for the channel switchbar, the buttons are no longer themed by Windows XP.

In an attempt to pinpoint my button-text-color issue, I tried a switchbar background and saw that this is indeed true. The buttons are no longer themed, but the button text is normal!

It would really be nice if we could have our themed buttons and still have the button text color behave normally, like it did before 6.17, but this is at least a temporary solution to make switchbar buttons readable again.
Posted By: root66 Temporary fix - 20/02/06 02:18 AM
People who use dark themes may get some use out of this:

on *:active:*:scid $$lactivecid window -g3 $+(",$$lactive,")

Unfortunately mIRC will not allow you to change the color of the active window button text, so the active window will still have black text on the switchbar.
Do you mean that you are using a custom mIRC theme and that because of that you can't see the button text?

Or that mIRC is using a button text color that does not match your Windows button text theme color?

I'm pretty sure that mIRC is using the Windows theme/non-theme text color for buttons (COLOR_BTNTEXT).
I take it you mean GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT)? COLOR_BTNTEXT itself will always be 18, which would explain why it's always black if you're using COLOR_BTNTEXT on its own, although there are a few functions that accept the constant instead of the rgb value.
Yes, using GetSysColor() to retrieve the button text.
That should be right then *shrug*
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