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Posted By: Jow How to run dialog in mirc - 05/02/17 10:22 PM
Good Evening

I created an auto-join dialog but I do not know how to make it work on mirc.
My idea would be of all saved channels is in the autojoin.ini file

Below the dialog I created
dialog autojoin {
  title "«‡» Auto-Join «‡»  [Deixe em branco caso não tenha senha]"
  size -1 -1 281 125
  option dbu
  icon scripts\icones\iconlim256.ico, 0
  box "", 1, 3 -1 276 123
  text "Canal:", 2, 7 7 17 8
  edit "#", 3, 24 6 60 10
  text "Rede:", 4, 8 19 16 8
  edit "", 5, 24 18 60 10
  text "Senha:", 6, 6 31 18 8
  edit "", 7, 24 30 60 10
  list 8, 90 4 186 115, size
  button "Adicionar", 9, 6 49 37 12, default
  button "Remover", 10, 47 49 37 12
  check "Auto-Join depois de identificar", 11, 6 70 84 10
  check "Ativar Auto-Join", 12, 6 82 50 10
  button "Fechar", 13, 26 100 37 12, ok

If someone can help me ... I'll be grateful.
Posted By: Masoud Re: How to run dialog in mirc - 06/02/17 01:36 AM
We usually create an alias with the same name as dialog (or any preferred name). But for this case since /autojoin is an mIRC built-in command, you should use another name.

alias AJD { dialog $iif(!$dialog(autojoin),-m autojoin, -v) autojoin }

And then just use the /AJD to run the dialog.
Posted By: Jow Re: How to run dialog in mirc - 06/02/17 02:07 PM
Hello Masoud

Thanks for the info this command made the Auto-Join dialog open on the screen ...

To post the code where I tried to do to amazenar all the channel and to get in the channels registered, but it did not work.

alias list_ini {
  var %a = 1
  var %b = $ini(scripts\autojoin.ini,0)
  while (%a <= %b) {
    var %c = 1
    while ($ini(scripts\autojoin.ini,%a,%c) != $null) {
      while ($ini(scripts\autojoin.ini,$ini(scripts\autojoin.ini,%a),%c) != $null) {
        did -a autojoin 3 0 1 $ini(scripts\autojoin.ini,$ini(scripts\autojoin.ini,%a),%c) $chr(9) $ini(scripts\autojoin.ini,%a) $chr(9) $readini(scripts\autojoin.ini,$ini(scripts\autojoin.ini,1),$v1)
        inc %c
      inc %a

  on *:dialog:autojoin:init:*:{
    dll $shortfn($mircdir\scripts\dlls\mdx.dll) SetMircVersion $version 
    dll $shortfn($mircdir\scripts\dlls\mdx.dll) MarkDialog $dname 
    dll $shortfn($mircdir\scripts\dlls\mdx.dll) SetFont $dname 4,5,15 +a 13 560 verdana
    dll $shortfn($mircdir\scripts\dlls\mdx.dll) SetFont 12,13 ANSI 13 700 Tahoma
    dll $shortfn($mircdir\scripts\dlls\mdx.dll) SetControlMDX $dname 3 listview rowselect icon grid showsel single labeltipo headerdrag report sortascending flatsb nosortheader > $views
    did -i $dname 3 1 seticon list 0,scripts\icones\baloes.ico
    did -i $dname 3 1 headerdims 120 120 120
    did -i $dname 3 1 headertext Canal: $chr(9) Rede: $chr(9) Senha:
    if (%autojoin.stat == on) { did -c $dname 10 }
    if (%autojoin.aid == on) { did -c $dname 11 }
    did -ra $dname 2 $chr(35)
    if (%anima_dialog == on) { cwnd $dialog($dname).hwnd }

  on *:dialog:autojoin:sclick:4:{ 
    if (($did(14).text == $null)) {
      return $input(É necessario que você coloque uma rede para adicionar o canal!,516,Erro)
    else {
      if ($did(autojoin,16) == $null) {
        writeini scripts\autojoin.ini $did(14) $did(2) Nenhuma 
        did -r $dname 2,14
        did -ra $dname 2 $chr(35)
        did -r $dname 3
      else { 
        writeini scripts\autojoin.ini $did(14) $did(2) $did(16)
        set %conf.joinchan $addtok(%conf.joinchan,$did(2),44)
        did -r $dname 2,14,16
        did -ra $dname 2 $chr(35)
        did -r $dname 3
  on *:dialog:autojoin:sclick:5:{
    if ($did(3).seltext == $null) { 
      return $input(É necessario que você selecione um canal!,516,Erro)
    else { 
      remini scripts\autojoin.ini $gettok($did(autojoin,3).seltext,11,32) $gettok($did(autojoin,3).seltext,6,32)
      set %conf.joinchan $remtok(%conf.joinchan,$gettok($did(autojoin,3).seltext,11,32).sel,44)
      did -d $dname 3 $did(3).sel
  on *:dialog:autojoin:sclick:10:{ if ($did(10).state = 1) { /set %autojoin.stat on } | if ($did(10).state = 0) { /set %autojoin.stat off } } 
  on *:dialog:autojoin:sclick:11:{ if ($did(11).state = 1) { /set %autojoin.aid on } | if ($did(11).state = 0) { /set %autojoin.aid off } }

If you can help me, I'll be grateful.
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