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The NetGamers network (included in the official servers.ini file) is a custom-built IRCd that is missing many raw commands, channel + user modes. If you use /raw notify you get a message back saying command not recognised. Same with /raw watch.

Please, how does mIRC's notify list work? I have added a debug line to a remote script to echo all raw numerics and their contents ( RAW *:*:{ echo -a RAW $numeric $+ : $1- } ) but there is no raw message coming from the server when you use /notify in mIRC to refresh and redisplay your notify list.

I would like to know, as I have submitted a feature request to AndChat (popular client for Android) for a client-side notify list for use where a server-side command doesn't exist, to which AlCapwn (the guy who gets all the credit for AndChat) replied asking how it would be possible if the server doesn't support it. This had me stumped, hence I just tried the RAW experiment above.

All I can think of now, is that mIRC's client-side notify list only works for users that have been added to mIRC's IAL (i.e. once you have joined a common channel).

I hope somebody can either confirm or correct me on this.


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