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Posted By: AlienDK !voice !op !halfop etc - 29/05/08 04:43 PM
I need a script that allows halfops etc (%) (or what ever its called) to use the following commands !voice <user> (!devoice <user>) !halfop <user> (!dehalfop <user>) (halfop is +h) !op <user> (!deop <user>) !admin <user> (!deadmin <user>) (admin is +a) and !owner (!deowner) (theres only one owner, +q, so no user).
Of course halfops can only give voice and halfop, and ops can give voice, halfop and op etc

Can anyone help me?
Posted By: Joe_Dean Re: !voice !op !halfop etc - 29/05/08 05:51 PM
Here's a simple script. It could be scripted better or more professionally, but I ain't the best at scripting either, but this should work nicely.


If anyone's wondering why I used on *:text:!* is so the script doesn't interfere with any other scripts. Using this script will always require the first character to be ! anyways, so...

You can use the same format when trying to +q (owner) or +a (admin) a user. Try adding these yourself, maybe it will help you script better! smile

p.s. Hi noob! :P
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