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Posted By: clunked Background colour stripping - 01/01/03 12:15 PM
Hi, just a few feature sugestions....

(1) Option to strip background colours (I don't like them)
(2) Replacing quit messages containing *www* *http* *irc.* *.com* *i-n-v-i-s-i-o-n* with a standard "quit"
(3) Option to strip colours from other places. eg, whois/topic/quit

ok, I understand many people won't think the second and third are good suggestions. i just dont like quit message spam and colours outside normal chat. I do think the first would be good though. Its simple, would be fairly easy to implement, and I'm sure many other users would like it too.

If anyone has any ideas how to strip background colours by a script any ideas of how to do it would be apreciated. I know it could be compicated.

Posted By: starbucks_mafia Re: Background colour stripping - 01/01/03 01:44 PM
1) Good idea.

2) The option to not show quit/part messages seems a good idea, however you seem to be suggesting that mIRC has spam detection built-in to decide specific quit messages to block - I don't think it's up to mIRC to decide what's spam and what isn't. If you want something to filter spam IMO that's the sort of thing the scripting language is for.

3) Fair enough.
Posted By: theRat Re: Background colour stripping - 01/01/03 02:51 PM
1. I'll make a script for that, but gimme some time =)
on *:quit: {
  var %var = *www.* *http://* *i-n-v-i-s-i-o-n* *.com* *.org*
  var %i = 1
  var %j = $numtok(%var,32)
  while ( %i <= %j ) {
    if ( $gettok(%var,%i,32) iswm $strip($1-,burc) ) {
      var %i = 1
      while ( $comchan($nick,%i) ) {
        echo $color(quit) -t $comchan($nick,%i) * $nick $+($chr(40),$address,$chr(41)) Quit
        inc %i
    inc %i


that should work, if it doesn't then ask some1 to find a bug from it grin
just add your own words to %var

3. is scriptable too
Posted By: Ecronika Re: Background colour stripping - 03/01/03 09:51 PM
; Strip Background colors
; Usage: $bg.strip(text)
; #############
; ## Example ##
; #############
; on ^*:text:*:#: {
;   echo $color(normal) -mlbfti2 $chan $+(<,$nick($chan,$nick).color,$nick,>) $bg.strip($strip($1-,o))
;   haltdef
; }

alias bg.strip {
  var %r = /([0-9]{1,2})(,[0-9]{1,2})/g
  !.echo -q $regsub($1-,%r,\1,%r)
  return %r
Posted By: Ecronika Re: Background colour stripping - 04/01/03 08:44 PM
I have just written an Addon which removes the background colors in texts and Actions.

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