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Posted By: Yil dialog feature request - 16/06/03 07:02 PM
Basically what I want to do is put two listboxes next to each other and use a scrollbar to control the scrolling of BOTH of them at the same time. Now, I can do this to some extent today, but its not pretty so I'm hoping to get this request in so I can use the feature in 6.04... In particular the problem would be EASY if I had the following feature.

/did -l -- Makes Nth line the first visible line in list/combo box.


$did().line -- Returns line number of first visible line in list/combo box.

And maybe something like

$did().size -- Returns total # of lines visible at a time in a list/combo box

With these features you could do a number of very powerful things.

The following I actually consider a BUG but your view may differ... Notice that the size of the scollbar handle/scroller/whatever in a listbox or combo box varies based on the total # of lines and grays out if not needed? Try the same with a scrollbar by setting ranges of 1 to 3 or 1 to 100... The scrollbar handle is a constant size. If this would be fixed this would look better and be more consistent...

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