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Dear Khaled,

I would like to request the restriction on /rline (and other /*line) commands be lifted from channel, query and other windows that their use is disallowed.

The main thing I wish to use /rline for is to remove Join/Part/Quit/Nick/Mode messages from channel buffers several minutes after their occurrence. This would make it a lot easier to follow conversations in both especially large and especially quiet channels... both which are plagued by a distractingly high signal to noise ratio of these events.

I know I could choose to hide these event types, but then they wouldn't be logged. I could arbitrary write these events to the log files, but I'd also never see them on my screen -- eg, a user having connection issues while I'm trying to talk to them.

I would really really love the ability to /rline these events from channel windows after 10~60 minutes passed, it would absolutely improve my enjoyment of IRC.
/rline replaces a line, you meant /dline, right?
Sorry, you are correct. I meant /dline for delete.

But /rline, /aline, /iline and /cline too.
I, too, would really like to see this feature. I want to make a script that, when you click a nickname in a channel, would color all messages by that nickname in that channel window. /cline could do that, if it would work in channel windows.
Nice suggestion!
Nice suggestion i think too.. but, till now, many important suggestions was made and let see how many of these suggestions was added? Just a few! I think that Khaled is not so interested to make mIRC more better and more powerful, because he put his powers only to correct bugs and to make minor changes.

I don't believe that Khaled will add so soon this suggestion and more other important suggestions like: multilingual support, play gif animations in a dialog, add $uac identifier, $mircadmin to tell if the mirc is running with administrator rights or not, /run -w to wait until the app will be terminated and more other suggestions that was related in this forum.
Originally Posted By: klez
and more other important suggestions like: ..

Please do not hijack other threads to push your own ideas.
Klez, most of the things you said is possible to do with mirc scripting.

To know if mIRC is running with admin privileges.

; $isadmin
; Returns $true or null

alias isadmin {
  if (!$isid) return
  set -l %a isadmin_ $+ $ticks $+ $rand(1111,9999))
  if ($com(locator_ $+ %a)) .comclose locator_ $+ %a
  .comopen locator_ $+ %a WbemScripting.SWbemLocator
  if ($comerr) return
  if ($com(services_ $+ %a)) .comclose services_ $+ %a
  if (!$com(locator_ $+ %a,ConnectServer,3,dispatch* services_ $+ %a)) || ($comerr) return
  .comclose locator_ $+ %a
  if ($com(os_ $+ %a)) .comclose os_ $+ services_ $+ %a
  if (!$com(services_ $+ %a,ExecQuery,3,bstr,Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem,dispatch* os_ $+ %a)) || ($comerr) return
  .comclose services_ $+ %a
  if ($com(os_ $+ %a,Count,3)) && ($comval(os_ $+ %a,1,SystemDirectory)) set -l %sysdir $v1 $+ \
  else return
  .comclose os_ $+ %a
  .fopen -o %a $qt(%sysdir $+ %a $+ .tmp)
  .fwrite %a $!true
  .fclose %a
  set -l %read $read(%sysdir $+ %a $+ .tmp)
  .remove $qt(%sysdir $+ %a $+ .tmp)
  return %read

Run with wait

; run2 -N <filename> [parameters]
; N = intWindowStyle in https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/d5fk67ky(v=vs.85).aspx
; //run2 cmd.exe | echo -s cmd.exe closed!

alias run2 {
  set -l %s 1
  if ($regex($1,/^-(\d+)$/)) {
    %s = $regml(1)
    tokenize 32 $2-
  set -l %a run_ $+ $ticks $+ $rand(1111,9999))
  if ($com(%a)) .comclose %a
  .comopen %a WScript.Shell
  if ($comerr) return
  noop $com(%a,Run,1,bstr,$1-,int,%s,bool,true)
  .comclose %a

; $uac(File[,Arguments[,Directory[,Show]]])
; $uac(mirc.exe,$null,$nofile($mircexe))
; https://msdn.microsoft.com/pt-br/library/windows/desktop/gg537745(v=vs.85).aspx

alias uac {
  if (!$isid) || (!$1) || (($3) && (!$isdir($3))) || (($4) && (!$regex($4,/^\d+$/))) return
  set -l %s 1
  if ($regml(1)) %s = $v1
  set -l %arg $2
  set -l %dir $3
  set -l %a uac_ $+ $ticks $+ $rand(1111,9999))
  if ($com(%a)) .comclose %a
  .comopen %a Shell.Application
  if ($comerr) return
  if ($com(%a,ShellExecute,3,bstr,$1,bstr,%arg,bstr,%dir,bstr,runas,int,%s)) set -l %r 1
  .comclose %a
  return %r
Thank you for these scripts.. apreciate this! But take in view that many commands from mirc can be replaced with these kinds of scripts (using $com or even VbScript) you provided as examples! No many people know $com objects and all this, but we like to make these all ideas simple smile

P.S. $isadmin alias you provided not works, because is not tell if mirc.exe what is running it runs with admin right or not, it tells if you have admin rights in the system. smile

P.P.S. /run -h or /run -np also can be replaced with the commands you provided, $os - also and more others..
You were told once not to hijack thread but instead you keep doing it, can you stop? If you want to ask for a script, you have the script & popups section, it's made for that. If you want to see these aliases built-in, make a new feature suggestion of your own just like you did for $uac.
Note that the $uac alias provided will execute a new instance of mIRC with admin rights, using the current mirc.exe in use, it does not do what you want.

To stay on topic, being able to manipulate/edit/remove lines from status/query/channel window would be extremely useful and handy.
Ok, sorry.. and thank you for you idea..
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