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Currently when you Lock (CTRL+Minimize) mIRC with the "Hide tray menu window list when locked" [CHECKED], you can right click the tray icon and see a list of connected servers.

I am suggesting an option to hide the list of connected servers, connect, and disconnect, when you right click on the locked/minimized mIRC icon.
Other information leaked by a locked mIRC's tray menu: network names, nicks, and connection history. And the systray icon's tooltip itself leaks mIRC's titlebar.

I had a similar suggestion at one point... although it was so long ago, I believe it's no longer on the forum. It was to add an -i switch to /showmirc which worked the same as -t, except that it would also hide the tray icon, making mIRC invisible (except for in the task manager). Then give mIRC a user-definable global hotkey for toggling the visibility of its tray icon while in /showmirc -i mode. That way, even if you had multiple mIRC instances running invisible, your global hotkey would pop all of them back into the system tray, allowing you to manipulate the one you wanted -- and after doing so, and after re-minimizing it with /showmirc -i once again, pressing the global hotkey would once more hide them all.

I thought it would be a nice way of not only solving the information leak issue, but of pre-empting the "what's in the box" syndrome created on shared PCs by a locked systray icon. (The best way to inspire your kids to toy with your channel bot mIRC is to hand them a password-protected tray icon. smile )
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