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Posted By: maconga Show idle time on multiple servers - 11/01/11 10:53 AM
The current coding only works on people on the same server within a network.

Example: I am on "anthony.freenode.net" and right click on someone's name that is on a another server, "pratchett.freenode.net" and I click "Info", I get all sorts of stuff, but not the idle time. I can get the idle time by doing "/whois John-Doe John-Doe" for example, but that's rather annoying having to manually write the name ( or doing the TAB thing to finish the name )

Now, if I am on the same server with the person, like "bear.freenode.net" I can see his/her idle time.

Or I can get the idle time by modifying the coding below.

Tools -> Script Editor -> Popups Tab -> View -> Nick List

Current coding
Info:/uwho $1
Whois:/whois $$1
Query:/query $$1

Suggested coding to add support to multiple servers on a network.
Info:/uwho $1 $1
Whois:/whois $$1 $$1
Query:/query $$1

I am asking if this could be changed in future releases of mIRC.
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