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Posted By: Laban Network setting on notification - 01/05/03 10:22 PM
I'd like to set which network which notification should use. As it is now, I want to put notification on "Secret_Person_X" on a network, but I don't want it to highlight on the other networks. I mean, if there is a "Secret_Person_X" on Network_ONE and one on Network_TWO, the notify will activate on both. I only want it to go fot the one on Network_ONE.

Guess it won't be any mIRC 6.04 for a while yet so does anyone know how to make notifications via scripts? I've tried to listen on raw things, but I can't get that to work. I'm probably doing something wrong. Any ideas?
Posted By: ParaBrat Re: Network setting on notification - 02/05/03 05:17 AM
others have made the same suggestion. As for a script or suggestions, try using our search feature, which you can limit to the scripting area if you wish, but for best results set it to "all forums" and expand the date range, with notify as the search term.
Posted By: Laban Re: Network setting on notification - 02/05/03 12:54 PM
For once, I actually searched but I didn't find anything.

If I just knew how to fetch the info on when a user commes on via some raw mode I could do it myself,
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