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Has many people should know the event´s and the identifiers don´t work when using a clean server socket connection, because the mIRC don´t parce the incoming connection information, it only "print´s " the clean raw even´t with the message attached.

My suggestion is to make a command like /scid or /scon that will make mIRC parce the incoming information for the event´s and identifier´s work.

I think this will be very useful to make bether script´s with out having to recreate all identifiers.

sorry my english but i think you will all understand the suggestion.

thanks for all...
If you want to use all of mIRC's identifiers, then why not just connect using mIRC's built-in IRC connection routines? mIRC already parses all the data from those IRC connections, so the events and identifiers already work. The whole point of sockets is so that users can parse the data from servers themselves, including servers that aren't for IRC. It doesn't make sense to duplicate something that mIRC already does.

off course it makes. i think that depend´s on what you want to do...

The all idea off build script´s/addon´s is that, and if we can do all that using all mIRC resources bether... it will make easy to build those kind off scripts.

My idea is to create picture window instead off the actual channel window´s and to replace several character´s with some pitures.. For example intead appears smile appear a face smiling, etc etc etc.

off course that i could modified some commands such the join , part and maybe some other´s, but that could create some bug´s when traying to add new things for such script...

A all new visual to improve mIRC and call even more people to it...

I think it´s a good idea...
You went from event identifiers to emoticons? Pick one suggestion and stick to it. PS. This is the easy way to do what you want

As for your original topic- event specific identifiers are meaningless within a socket.. you're basically asking that mirc not only DETECT a socket connection made to an IRC protocol, but interact with it in some manner that would defeat the entire purpose of using low level sockets. Simply put, if you want event identifiers, use events.

Of course you don't even need to make any socket connection to write the script you just proposed.. just script the ON TEXT event and route it to a picwin. I'm not sure why you think sockets are necessary, here..
You can use mIRC's own events to do what you want. It'll be much simpler and far less bug-prone than using sockets.

After all, your suggestion is essentially to make raw socket events emulate other existing events - why not use the existing events?
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