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I've been playing with mp3s recently and find there is a lack of support for queued files. I would like to suggest the following identifier

$queue(filename).pos - return the position on the queue of a specific file

$queue(N) - return the filename of the Nth file in the queue

I would also like to see

/splay -r (N/filename) which will remove the Nth file from the play queue or remove the specific filename from the play queue.

Can I really push my luck and request

/crossfile N which will crossfade playing files by N seconds? smile

NIgel / Nelgin
Extra queue support is a great idea smile

Crossfading would be great as well, but I agree that's pushing it a bit :tongue: Oh well, we can dream grin
It's been years since I did any mIRC scriptng and I decided to get back into it with something simple.

I was very surprised to find that there was no support for queued sound files.

Of course, I've forgotten more than I remember which means I've spent more time reading the help file than I have writing any code smile

Nigel / Nelgin
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