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The only right-click popup in mIRC you cannot change, AFAIK, is that one you get when you right click on a channel name (!) in the status window. (I'll slap anyone who says "just look into popups.ini" - it's not there ^^ - look for yourself).

So why not have that certain popup (which shows the three options "Join Channel", "List users", "Show topic") editable (via popups.ini)? smile

Also see this topic - that's where I tried to find out where to change it:

But someone who is way more experienced at mIRC than I am told me that it cannot be changed.

I think it would be very useful if you were able to modify it, just like all the other mirc popups.

Thanks for reading.
Signed. The switchbar right click options should be editable too.
I agree, it should be editable even if it is by menuname such as:

menu channelpop {

As an example
*bump* Does anyone of you know when / if this feature will be available?
Posted By: Rand Re: Ability to modify certain right-click popup - 08/08/06 01:05 PM
Well, as you may understand from this forums topic "Feature Suggestions," suggestions are entirely that. A suggestion. Requested features may be added, and more often then not, might not be added at all. Therefore, there can be no time estimation.

We really are not mind readers, as far as what makes it into mIRC, that is up to Khaled alone.
as for bumping, it's not needed. If people like the suggestions they'll tell you by replying. NOBODY knows when a suggestion/correction will be added until Khaled makes a post telling us it will be corrected (quite common) or added (extremely rare). To see what I mean, simply click on Khaled's name from the user list and check out his previous posts. You'll see his "Will be fixed" postings FAR exceed his "that will be in the next version" postings.

Only thing you can do is be patient smile
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