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Posted By: genius_at_work A couple suggestions: - 01/03/06 02:40 AM
1. I suggest that a couple new token identifiers could be added. Some of these have been suggested before.

$findwildtok(tokens,wildstring,N,C) = returns the position of the Nth matching wild token.
ex: $findwildtok(this is a string,*is,2,32) => 2

$repwildtok(tokens,wildstring,newstring,N,C) = replaces the Nth matching wild token with new string
ex: $repwildtok(this is a string,*is,was,2,32) => returns "this was a string"

$remwildtok(tokens,wildstring,N,C) = removes the Nth matching wild token
ex: $remwildtok(this is a string,*is,2,32) => returns "this a string"

$iswildtok(teststring,wildtokens,C) = returns true (or number of matches) if any of the wild tokens match the test string
ex: $iswildtok(www.mirc.com,www.* *.com,32) => returns $true (or 2)

** There should be case-sensitive versions of each


2. (This would would most likely take a lot of work.) I think it would be useful in some situations to be able to modify the default message format that mIRC uses when displaying msg/action/join/part/kick/etc. We can currently /haltdef the default display and make our own display messages using /echo, etc. My suggestion is to add /moddef and $defmsg.

$defmsg would return the message that mIRC would have displayed if nothing were to alter it.

/moddef could have several switches and formats.

/moddef -n ( $+ $nick $+ )
- modifies the default nickname display format.

/moddef -t on/off
- show or hide the timestamp for that line

/moddef -c 7
- modify the default text color for the line

/moddef -m $replacecs($defmsg,mirc,mIRC,i,I)
- modify the default text

/moddef -rM
- revert the given M (n,t,c,m) to the default value

The events where the /moddef command is used would have to be prefixed with ^ (like when using /haltdef). After the changes are performed, the message would be displayed by mIRC as it normally would, except with the changes shown.

(These are suggestions, I'm not looking for work-arounds.)

Posted By: Mpdreamz Re: A couple suggestions: - 01/03/06 10:25 AM
$iswildtok(www.mirc.com,www.* *.com,46) ? :tongue:

for number 2 i only see what the nick thing has to offer for ease of use, but in general the people who want this hardly go into the remote section and so it should custumiseable in the options dialog.

I personally im quite happy with echo and haltdef. Maybe if a on PRINT event were to come in to play stuff like $defmsg would have more use.

Just my opinion
Posted By: genius_at_work Re: A couple suggestions: - 01/03/06 05:18 PM
$iswildtok(www.mirc.com,www.* *.com,32)

The C is the ascii value that separates the values in the second argument. It would be similar to doing this:

var %teststring = www.mirc.com
var %wildtokens = www.* *.com

var %c = 0, %cc = $numtok(%wildtokens,32)
while (%c < %cc) {
inc %c
if ($gettok(%wildtokens,%c,32) iswm %teststring) return $true

Posted By: PhantasyX Re: A couple suggestions: - 02/03/06 02:18 AM
I like the modification of the defualt messages mIRC uses.
A simpiler way would be for mIRC to use a (mirc.)INI file or so, then retrieve the messages from there and parse it accordingly.


onjoin=%nick% has joined channel %channel% (%addr%)
onquit=User %nick% has quit (%addr%) (%text%)
oninvite=You have been invited to %channel% by %nick%
onnick=%nick% has transformed into %nick2%

For those of you who use the 'mIRC Stats' program, something similar to the parse file would be addequet(sp?) for this suggestion.
Posted By: genius_at_work Re: A couple suggestions: - 02/03/06 05:36 AM
I have another suggestion:

3. I think it would be useful to have a command that duplicates the effect of using ctrl+tab. There could be switches to shift to the next window of various types, and switches to allow left or right shifting, and a number to be specify how many windows to shift.

/shift [-lrscq(etc)] [num]

-l = left, -r = right (default)
-s = status windows
-c = channel windows
-q = query windows
(etc) = various switches for dcc/fserv/etc

num = number of windows to shift to the left/right

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