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Posted By: idea Hide network sub-windows on doubleclick - 02/10/04 04:47 PM
I use at least 10 channels on 2 networks, making it difficult to quickly locate windows. Especially when I have queries and other windows open.

This is what I suggest: A feature (toggable) that will allow a user to double click on the Network's window to hide all subwindows belonging to it. This will help cleanup the switchbar so you can pay attention to the network that is currently active.

Please let me know what you think. In reality, I am just looking for a way to better manage all of these open windows in the switchbar. Any input is appreciated.
Did you know you can press ALT+Left-Click on a Status window in the switchbar to roll all of the windows belonging to that status window into one button in the switchbar? Do it again to expand the list.

You may want to see /help key combinations for other useful shortcuts you can use.

Posted By: idea Re: Hide network sub-windows on doubleclick - 02/10/04 05:48 PM
Nope, I did not know that... but I wanted to have it done automatically. Check this out:

on *:appactive:set %appactive 1
on *:active:*:{
if (($activecid != $lactivecid) && (!%appactive)) {
var %l = 1
while ($chan(%l)) { window -w $chan(%l) | inc %l }
var %l = 1
while ($query(%l)) { window -w $query(%l) | inc %l }
scid $lactivecid
var %l = 1
while ($chan(%l)) { window -h $chan(%l) | inc %l }
var %l = 1
while ($query(%l)) { window -h $query(%l) | inc %l }
unset %appactive
Posted By: Armada Re: Hide network sub-windows on doubleclick - 07/10/04 07:36 AM
Im on one network but in 13 rooms and I have another say 15 windows open along with a few private messages.(The other windows are oper windows like Clients) I found it easier if I put the channel/switchbar to the left and increase the width to 99 which is its limit(which I wish could be increased a little more)
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