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Posted By: PhantasyX Good Suggestion - 31/08/04 12:12 AM
Maybe a new mIRC Version? :|
After all these new suggestions/bugs there should be a new version >_>
Posted By: MTec89 Re: Good Suggestion - 31/08/04 12:13 AM
there always is.
Posted By: Mentality Re: Good Suggestion - 31/08/04 12:38 AM
Releases are never pre-announced. Bug reports and feature suggestions do get noted, we just have to wait.

Actually, I personally see more people criticise than compliment the continual "bug fix" releases - what are people's thoughts on this? :-)

Posted By: nalAAlan Re: Good Suggestion - 31/08/04 03:05 AM
There will always be bugs since no one is perfect, well except me. With a project as large as mIRC no one can bug proof it completely and add new features at the same time. I am glad that there are bugfixes, but I also dislike bugs. People seem to only care about things not working.
Posted By: dr_Eamer Re: Good Suggestion - 31/08/04 12:20 PM
Since this is not an open-source project but it is still massively used and since it has so many features it is perfectly normal for bugs to appear again and again the one after the other! The good thing is that there is this forum where comments are actually heard and taken into consideration. I personally like those new versions with bug-fixes. The only problem is when they come out too often because all people can't follow the version changes! We still have people scripting in mIRC 6.03...

Anyway, no open-source == 10 times more bugs but as long as old scripts keep working in newer versions and bug reports are being heard and taken into consideration everything is cool!

Note: I'm not suggesting giving away mIRC source code (although this would be a great idea for coders - a bad idea for Khaled perhaps) but I'm just explaining why it's normal to have so many bugs in such a big project! In any case why should bug-fixes be bad for anyone? Ok perhaps lots of people whine about new versions... However, I think everybody will agree there's no other way and it does make us happy..

After all mIRC IS becoming better... not worse!
Posted By: Talea Re: Good Suggestion - 31/08/04 12:26 PM
I don't mind waiting longer for a relatively *bug-free* release of mIRC. Gives the scripters and development people more time to beta test it so everything including new features work.

And yes I agree there always will be small bugs that slip through but I much rather wait a tad longer for a new release then constantly update through bug-fix releases for small bugs we probably can work around through a script or ignoring them.

Of course the exception is something like an exploit or fatal bug - the sooner the better for a bug-fix releaes in this case. smile

Posted By: PhantasyX Re: Good Suggestion - 31/08/04 11:54 PM
Well just remember
"BIG SURPRISED"!"!!11!!!"!"!!!!1!!!"
lol ;/
No, but I would also like to be almst bug-free mIRC, there will always be a bug-most likely. I'm just growing inpatienct of waiting =p

Hell, I even posted a feature suggestion, and one or two bugs(not sure about the bugs), but I'm waiting to see if they where added. .-.
Posted By: Mentality Re: Good Suggestion - 01/09/04 12:10 AM
There was an entire year between 6.03 and 6.1, and you're impatient after less than two months? smirk *g*

Posted By: Talea Re: Good Suggestion - 01/09/04 11:58 AM
You remind me of a boy waiting for mom to come home with more cookies for the cookie jar (no I don't mean this in a bad way)... laugh

I think once every 2 months is a bit too often for my liking but some others may want more releases...

II prefer waiting a bit for a more stable releases and I don't have to re-do some of my scripts more often if there are some coding changes (ok ok I admit... I'm lazy)

Posted By: PhantasyX Re: Good Suggestion - 02/09/04 12:22 AM
Yes, I cannot wait no more! ;X
We need a new mIRC XD
Posted By: NightCrawler8283 Re: Good Suggestion - 02/09/04 12:28 AM
it doesnt really matter to me. but for those of you who know my stance on some things on the boards. I'm one of those who want to see lots of features added. which also makes me impatient. but fortunatly for everyone else. I'm not the one coding mIRC and must wait like everyone else. so let come what comes when it comes :tongue:
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