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Posted By: MattyL Security flaws, ideas and requests...oh my! - 27/07/04 06:37 PM
Hello I am new to this forum, but not to mIRC, I've been using it frequently and I want to thank Khaled for such an awesome application which has become very advanced from the early days of mIRC32 2.10.

Anyway, last night I was thinking of some simple ideas that I believe should be in future versions of mIRC. Below is a list:

1) There is a security flaw in mIRC which allows users to enter the program, even when they have the program passworded on startup. All the user has to do is modify a simple REG_SZ string in the registry, open mirc.exe then change the string back to the original.

2) User Profile manager - I really would like to see some kind of profiles built into mIRC. As I have many family members who use mIRC, and change my colors and stuff. I believe we should have some sort of dialog pop up, asking for username/password and when you login..all your settings are applied. It is much better than having 3 different mIRC installed.

3) CTCPs - One day I was browsing a CTCP RFC (<a href="http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/rfc/ctcpspec.html">http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/rfc/ctcpspec.html</a>), and notice that mIRC does not have support for a few, such as SED, SOURCE, USERINFO...I think that SED would be a very nice addition to the CTCP family for mIRC.

4) More customization - The ability to change dialog box, switchbar and scroll bar colors other than using the windows default scheme. This would be very nice and would add more fun into themes. It would also be very easy to implement, just need to proccess a few simple window messages such as WM_CTLCOLORBTN, WM_CTLCOLORDLG.

5) Advanced coloring options - I know a few clients support this feature, don't know how useful it would be but I really like it..as an extended CTRL+K, It would be nice to have the ability to enter in a hex RGB color value to have even more customization.

6) Ability to move menubar - I'm not sure how many people would care about this feature, but I think it would be nice to have the ability to move the menubar around like the switchbar.

7) Resources - This would be a neat idea...to have all those string resources and dialog resources in seperate dynamic libraries, such as strings.dll and dialogs.dll....This would provide the ability to have different languages for mIRC without much problems, it would also allow some more cusomization to mIRC.

Thank you all for your time...

- Matt
2. I agree with this suggestion. This was suggested a long time ago, and I thought it was a good idea then as I do now.

3. You can easily script your own CTCP event for these.
Posted By: Jae Re: Security flaws, ideas and requests...oh my! - 27/07/04 06:49 PM
2: if it was easier to get to the current login name etc. im sure alot more script would have been able to implement it themselves... maybe there's a script out there thbat cna do what you are asking.. ?
mIRC32 2.10? :P

1) I would suggest emailing the details of any 'security flaw' in mIRC to Khaled himself, however, the password lock on mIRC isn't meant to be some sort of top security safeguard - instructions on how to reset the password can be found here. It's meant to keep a nosey parent or bothersome sibling out of your IRC business...mIRC isn't really (or shouldn't be) something of absolute priority confidentiality, and the lock works on the most part for the average user smile

2) This has been suggested several times and from a personal view I don't mind either way...but I've seen several threads with people who would. I'm not sure quite how it'd work successfully/easily, or how much work is worth putting into it for the amount of people who'd make use of it.

3) As was mentioned, CTCP events can be scripted easily. Those CTCPs are almost non-existent nowadays...I know IRCle does (or did) support USERINFO, and in the 2 years I used it, I never needed it once and it was never requested for me.

2. It is possible to use a command-line switch to change mIRC's root folder for the current instance. See /help command line for more. I'm not saying it's the ideal solution, but it works.
I was just about to update my user profiling addon, funny you bring it up ;d

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