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on ^1:CLOSE:#:haltdef | part # %partmsg

i can see this being a problem
on ^1:CLOSE:#:haltdef
be trying to stop you closing window

another thing i would like is command/someway
to part channel and leave window open like when
you get kicked and the nicklist clears but you select
leave window open (like i wanna part right now
but read it later because i dont wanna log it)

really cool would be..
on^1:CLOSE:#:leave window open | haltdef part message | part # %partmsg

....so my lazy butt can just hit the little x
...im thinking of [shift or ctrl]+x to do default close
and a switch same place as keep window open
on kick for keep window open on part or confirm close on part???..
Posted By: Online Re: on ^1:CLOSE:#:haltdef | part # %partmsg - 09/07/04 09:35 AM
Well it's already possible to send a custom /part command,
  • On me:*:part:#: part # Goodbye!
...but we cannot suppress mIRC's internal /part.
thanks.. that solves half the problem

i can live with the rest and dream about
window not closing on part or i guess i could
maybe flush buffer to a custom window to read
at leasure

There is a long thread on this, one of which I hold particular interest. Anway, see leave window open after /part

And there is some code in Another old thread that has a /partkeep alias, but this could be really updated for some of the new commands in 6.1x. Still, I would like to see this as a feature myself.
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