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Posted By: Dietmar per server settings - 16/05/04 10:26 PM
hi !
I would like to see support of per server settings.
For example: I have got 2 irc bouncers, both of them need different USER replies (email address).
I can open another server window and change email address to what this bnc needs, so I can have 2 different connections with 2 different email addresse.
But unfortunately mIRC doesnt save this settings.
After restarting it opens the connect to the last bnc. And it has got the email address for the last bnc.
So I need again to open new server window, and input the other email address to connect to the other bnc.

options -> server -> edit:
fullname, email, nickname, alternative, (ident reply)
This is what I would like smile
Thanks !
Posted By: LifeIsPain Re: per server settings - 17/05/04 03:24 AM
Not saying this isn't a valid request, but it has been made in the past. However, it is easy to script around (still, doesn't mean the request can't be made), if use /server when you start up: /help /server

on *:START:{
  server irc.host1.com 6667 -i Dietmar Dietmar_ email@domain.dom Full Name
  server -m irc.host2.net 6669 -i Nickname Alternate otheremail@2nd.domain.net Fake Name

Then say Use ID from Email address in Options -> Connect -> Identd
Posted By: Dietmar Re: per server settings - 17/05/04 10:16 AM
But thanks for your post, however I didnt saw the -i option.
Its working now the way I wanted.
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