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Posted By: Ewokki Emoticons - 12/04/04 08:45 AM
Yep again someone requesting that bloody feature. Guess what...I haven't seen it added yet even though there is a lot of people requesting it. Why is that??

Also, I haven't seen any good arguments why there shouldn't be this feature.

A) "I don't like smilies so nobody likes them!"
Sorry, the fact that there is much conversation because of this proves that there are a lot of people wanting it.

And I suggest that this whole emoticon system is off by default so it won't bother these who don't like it!

B) Flood
I thought mIRC has ignore. If someone starts deliberately flooding you, just put him on ignore. If he floods, he is a jerk. And this doesn't concern you if you don't like this emoticons idea.

What comes to the actual emoticons...there should be some kind of a setup for those, so the user can select what smile transforms into. mIRC would come with one default smilie pack but user could change them to whatever they want to.

When are we going to have our emoticons? I know that I'm not alone waiting for this feature...
Posted By: Watchdog Re: Emoticons - 12/04/04 09:10 AM
I see no problem with adding such features if they can be turned on and off at will. The problem might be the time required to implement a given feature though. As for people who have a problem with it well, I guess some people do get a bit hoity toity about such things, perhaps it's a sign that they are on the Net too much and should get outdoors more. There are people who take things like this too seriously and need to loosen up. mIRC is just a chat programme not part of people's bodies.
Posted By: saxon Re: Emoticons - 12/04/04 11:42 AM
Well it would ruin my image if people knew I used an IRC client that could potentially display emoticons.

Not to mention it would make the client 10MB and slow down my system until it crashes non stop! (I know that's true because somebody said it in an old discussion).
Posted By: Mentality Re: Emoticons - 12/04/04 01:26 PM

Firstly, constantly posting the same idea is not going to help get the feature incorporated. Khaled will put the feature in if he wants to, and no amount of bugging is going to force him into doing it, if anything, it's likely to have a negative effect on the idea at all.

"Also, I haven't seen any good arguments why there shouldn't be this feature."

Everyone's views are valid. Everyones. The reasons for their views might not be good in your eyes, but it matters to the people who dislike the idea - and it's not your place to judge whether or not their points of view are good or not.

"When are we going to have our emoticons?"

This is not a place to DEMAND a feature, it is a place to SUGGEST a feature. That is all it is, a suggestion. Just because 4/5 people express that they would like a feature to be incorporated doesn't mean Khaled is going to reply and say "Yes, that feature will be seen next release" - he hardly ever ever does that (I think he's done it once). What's more, just because 4/5 people express their approval doesn't mean it WILL be incorporated. If Khaled doesn't like the idea, then it won't be added - even if the world and his wife like it.
That said, quite the opposite is true. The world and his wife do not like it, many people have expressed their dislike for the idea.

"As for people who have a problem with it well, I guess some people do get a bit hoity toity about such things, perhaps it's a sign that they are on the Net too much and should get outdoors more"

I don't think people expressing their dislike for the idea means they spend too much time on the Net or that they don't get out much. I have seen more people (evidently) get "hoity toity" about the feature NOT being liked by others and Khaled not expressing his views on it (as if this is some unique case where he has said nothing, heh).

Now, people expressing their like for the idea is just fine. Constantly starting threads about it is annoying. Nobody can do anything except wait until the next release of mIRC smile

My 2 cents!

Posted By: MTec89 Re: Emoticons - 12/04/04 01:30 PM

My .05 Cents :P
Posted By: Soul_Eater Re: Emoticons - 12/04/04 01:34 PM
did you even look at this page before you registered and posted? Because its already been mentioned. Creating a new thread is kinda redundant.
Posted By: MTec89 Re: Emoticons - 12/04/04 01:38 PM
i didnt start that thread.
Posted By: tidy_trax Re: Emoticons - 12/04/04 03:46 PM
he just linked to a thread that he had already posted in, so he didn't have to repeat himself wink
Posted By: Ewokki Re: Emoticons - 12/04/04 05:23 PM
"Not to mention it would make the client 10MB and slow down my system until it crashes non stop! (I know that's true because somebody said it in an old discussion)."

Yeah right...the emoticons should take less than 10KB. Those emoticons that are used on this board take only ~0.3KB each. That's 0.0003MB and 10MB would mean >33000 different emoticon files. And they won't slow down your system if you don't use them.

""Well it would ruin my image if people knew I used an IRC client that could potentially display emoticons. "

Maybe you should go out and get some fresh air if you really do think that people would respect you less when you use an IRC client with emoticons support that is by default off..geez.

"If Khaled doesn't like the idea, then it won't be added - even if the world and his wife like it."

I wonder how many have paid for using mIRC and are requesting features in here...
Posted By: landonsandor Re: Emoticons - 12/04/04 05:34 PM
(rant to follow)

Boy, I think this thread topic has become the new "why wont khaled port to "X" OS" topic. I think Khaled gets the point that some people want emoticons and other people dont want it. While Im not trying to stifle anybody's opinions, THE NEXT VERSION OF MIRC HASNT BEEN RELEASED YET so cool your jets people. IF and WHEN it happens, we'll find out about it. There's been (on average by my guessing so I could be wrong) about 4 or 5 topics PER MIRC VERSION (of late) about adding emoticons. I wonder if this is overkill or just people thinking adding new threads all together will help the suggestion count as if it matters how many threads are done about it. It does not matter how many new threads are started on this, when Khaled adds it he adds it. I truely wonder if the same people are posting under new nicknames or if people truely believe that post/thread count on the same topic really weighs in with khaled on weather or not he should add something (and thus the reason for all the OS related threads).

(end rant)
Posted By: Soul_Eater Re: Emoticons - 12/04/04 08:49 PM
i was talking to the author of this thread.
Posted By: tidy_trax Re: Emoticons - 12/04/04 10:37 PM
ok, this is why you should reply to the correct person, this way only causes confusion.
Posted By: ParaBrat Re: Emoticons - 13/04/04 02:03 AM
"I haven't seen any good arguments why there shouldn't be this feature."

You feel "cause i dont like them" isnt a valid reason for not adding them. Well, "cause i like them" isnt any more valid as a reason for adding them. For that matter, neither is "cause other proggies have them"

the bottom line is, only Khaled decides what will or wont be added and when. like everyone else, you are free to say you like something and politely request Khaled consider it for addition. equally, ppl who dont like the idea are free to say so.
simply because a few ppl post wanting something doesnt mean Khaled is going to drop everything and revamp his long or short range plans to add whatever it is. he doesnt announce in advance what plans are or arent on his list. only he knows how things fit into his plans. Like any other feature request, there are as many ppl who either dont want or have no interest in whatever, as are those who do. The reasons for either viewpoint are in many cases a matter of personal preference, to which everyone is entitled.
Posted By: Watchdog Re: Emoticons - 13/04/04 06:25 AM
I'm trying to work out what this fixation is that people have with mIRC suddenly increasing in MB. Don't get me wrong here - if smileys, emoticons, avatars, pictures, call them what you will, are never ever supported by mIRC then I am quite comfortable with that, however I am tired of people bleating in advance of a feature's inclusion that mIRC would increase in size.

Who cares about the size. Computers, generally, are hundreds of times more powerful now than when mIRC or IRC for that matter was invented and download speeds have improved alot wiht the advent of broadband and even 56k. I doubt there'd be too many people by comparison that still use a 14k connection and in any case, who says you have to sit at the machine watching a download, make a cup of tea and relax.

mIRC.exe is 1.84MB - hardly a massive consumer of resources.
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