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Posted By: phire Mass mode changes - 06/04/04 05:58 PM
I think it would be real nice and convenient to be able to do more than three modes at a time. It's kind of a pain when you need to OP a lot of people and you have to select three at a time. I could download some script with a lot of extra padding that I don't need, but I also don't see why it couldn't be in a standard install of mIRC.

I hope this feature gets added at some point, because I'm sure a lot of other people feel the same way. Everyone likes mass modes! So much more convenient!
Posted By: Mentality Re: Mass mode changes - 06/04/04 06:08 PM
You can use the /mode command. The limit of 3 is set, I believe, by mIRC's default aliases. However, if you use /mode you can set more:

/mode #channel +vvvvvv nick1 nick2 nick3 nick4 nick5 nick6

I *think* the amount of modes you can set with that is set by the IRCd, but I'm not 100% sure, so on some networks you may be able to set more than 6 modes.

Alternatively, you can alter the alias. Press ALT+D and then find the alias for voicing/opping people. You can use:

/voice /mode # +vvvvvv $$1-

and then use /voice nick1 nick2 nick3 etc.

I think the reason it's not set too high by default is due to the fact not all servers support more than 3 mode changes at a time, and on top of that, mass commands can be abused easily.

Hope this helps smile

Posted By: phire Re: Mass mode changes - 06/04/04 06:14 PM
Well, I know the limit is set by the IRCd, which on EFnet where I reside, the limit is 4. However, what I was actually asking about, is the fact that when I hilight more than 3 nicks and right click to OP/DEOP, only 3 are OP'd. I modified my aliases for /op to do 4 at once, but I don't want to type out all the nicks, that sort of defeats the purpose. :P There's a few scripts out there that modify this part of mIRC and I don't know what they did to modify it like such otherwise I would just create my own little script w/o all the extra padding.
Posted By: Online Re: Mass mode changes - 06/04/04 09:31 PM
I like this snippet.
Posted By: phire Re: Mass mode changes - 07/04/04 04:26 AM
That looks very promising, I'll toy with that, thank you very much! smile
Posted By: LocutusofBorg Re: Mass mode changes - 07/04/04 05:31 AM
One begs to question WHY you would want to op more than 3 people at a time. The only situation where opping a lot of people in as little time possible is of the essence would be in an attempt to take over a channel........
Posted By: PastMaster Re: Mass mode changes - 07/04/04 06:30 AM
If you start sending mass mode changes you'll start to lag. Fact of IRC life. Three is a nice compromise.

The maximum number of mode changes is set by the IRCd. To alter mIRC's behaviour by "default", open up the aliases and popups sections of the basic 'script' supplied as standard, and just edit the commands.


Everyone likes mass modes! So much more convenient!

I don't. mad

Posted By: starbucks_mafia Re: Mass mode changes - 07/04/04 09:46 AM
Come on, that's simply not true. There are plenty of occasions where mass modes are useful.
- If services go down and everyone is AFK and lose their modes you can reop/voice them all.
- Mass bans are obviously useful against bot floods.
- Mass unbans are useful when you want to clear the banlist, whether it's after a bot attack or just some 'Spring cleaning'.

There are probably another half-dozen reasons that it's way too early in the morning for me to think of right now, and even if there isn't three is more than enough. Channel takeovers are pretty much a thing of the past, virtually all networks have some form of channel services or channel ownership, and for those that don't then takeovers still require a certain amount of stupidity or misplaced trust in the channel's ops, quite frankly I'm not a huge sympathizer of the situation.

PastMaster: He'd only lag if he was sending literally several dozen mode changes. Most networks have a mode limit of 3-5, meaning it would take about 21-35 modes to even begin to become an issue. What he's suggesting means that more modes can be performed with less lag if the server allows it.
Posted By: PastMaster Re: Mass mode changes - 07/04/04 09:57 AM
PastMaster: He'd only lag if he was sending literally several dozen mode changes.

*grin* blame my being on dialup on IRCnet then - as few as 6 mode changes (2 x three mode changes together) in quick succession brings noticeable decline in performance. frown

Posted By: DekuHaze Re: Mass mode changes - 07/04/04 01:44 PM
Actually, I have noticed this too on IRCnet and I'm on cable. I had put it down to general server lag, though. Doesn't happen on EFnet.
Posted By: PastMaster Re: Mass mode changes - 08/04/04 08:49 AM
I suspect that IRCnet imposes harsher time/delay penalties for mode changes than other networks. wink

Posted By: FiberOPtics Re: Mass mode changes - 08/04/04 11:18 AM

that snippet will surely be useful for what u need.

Though, if u would want to be able to cross select nicks,
then u might find this one helpful:

* Note how it has only 1 property called 'voice' instead of having 'voice' and 'devoice'

Because if u click on e.g. voice, then the script will determine itsself if the mode that should be set is +v or -v. So if u click on a person that is voiced, and u click on 'voice', then the script will devoice that person, and vice versa.

*The alias supports selecting as many nicks as u prefer.

*The alias also supports for cross selecting nicks. E.g. if you select 5 nicks, and 2 of them are not oped, 3 of them are. By clicking on 'Op', the script will op the 2 who were not oped, and deop the 3 who were oped.

Hope you understand what i mean :tongue:

Anyway here goes: (script belongs in remotes (alt+r))

Menu Nicklist {
.Voice: mode.changer v $snicks
.Hop: mode.changer h $snicks
.Op: mode.changer o $snicks

alias mode.changer {

if ($me !isop $active) || ($me !ishop $active) { echo 04 -a You are not an operator on this channel. | return }

var %mode = $1, %plus, %min
var %check = $iif(%mode == v,isvoice,$iif(%mode == h,ishop,isop))

tokenize 44 $2-

var %x = $0
while (%x) { var %nick = $ [ $+ [ %x ] ] | if (%nick %check $active) %min = %nick %min | else %plus = %nick %plus | dec %x }

if (%plus) mode $active + $+ $str(%mode,$0) %plus
if (%min) mode $active - $+ $str(%mode,$0) %min

Posted By: phire Re: Mass mode changes - 08/04/04 11:41 AM
Muchos gracias.
Posted By: root66 Re: Mass mode changes - 08/04/04 05:35 PM
The standard seems to be (at least on most ircd) that you can send 5 lines at once before it enters them into some sort of a queue. If you send 5 lines separated by $crlf all at one time, it will do all 5 commands immediately, then slowly finish the rest one by one. This limits you to 30 modes before it bogs down.

Some daemons might be different, but the last time I did any extensive testing on undernet, efnet, etc, this was the case.
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