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Would it be possible to allow someone to add custom lists to the mIRC Address Book to fit a person's specific needs. The option to color nicks according to what list they are on is very useful to me. I would, for example, like to add a list for IRCops and have it show in the lists box or the "Colors" tab in the form of a drop down menu titled "Custom Lists" or something. This would allow me to color these list members uniquely, just as members of my notify and ignore lists. I think this would add more flexibility and functionality to mIRC.


Im not shooting the idea down, but what i've done is made people certain userlevels then colored those userlevels a different color which CAN be done via the colors tab smile A cusomtizable addy book is a good thing and I think being able to specifiy more entries lists is a good thing (even if they're in mirc by default)
I just think it would add some more flexibility. The options are limited to existing user modes or list types. Custom lists would help in specific situtations. It is not something that would be commonly used of course. Nevertheless it would help the Address Book be more inclusive and less restrictive. I understand your point and already use it in that manner =).


yeah, I agree, user specified lists can be a really good thing. many times i wished (on my own) that I could create "X" list or so or if "Y" list was already in mirc (an example is the halfop list) so that I could do more with them. I already use all those internal lists and am manipulating the ignore list in many diff types and I can see them conflicting soon
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