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Posted By: R3D NickServ Auth'ed Userlist - 26/12/03 04:09 AM
I would like to see a feature to allow users in a userlist to be checked for a registered nick before allowing events to run.

Old Way: 10:NickServ!service*@*
Allows anyone with the nick NickServ and ident service access to Level 10 commands

New Way: =10:NickServ!service*@*
Allows anyone with the nick NickServ and ident service who has a registered nick access to Level 10 commands. the '=' is just a designator to tell mIRC to look for a registered nick.

Although this can be scripted I found that coding the check into every command is cumbersome and creates large script files.

Does anyone else think this is a useful idea??
Posted By: Nobodi Re: NickServ Auth'ed Userlist - 26/12/03 06:24 AM
The = sign is already use in mirc access levels

/help access levels

From what i have seen services nicknames aren't registered anyway.
Posted By: R3D Re: NickServ Auth'ed Userlist - 26/12/03 06:38 AM
That was simply an example. You could prefix the users line with an 'R' if need be. something like:

Meaning, Nick "RandomUser" from any host using ISP.com whose nick is registered and identified, would be handled by this statement.
Posted By: starbucks_mafia Re: NickServ Auth'ed Userlist - 26/12/03 04:16 PM
There's a major problem with that.

1) mIRC isn't notified by the server when someone identifies with Nickserv. To check whether someone was registered before the event could even begin to be processed mIRC would have to send /who user and wait for the reply from the server. That can take up to several seconds, which is an enormous amount of time for mIRC to be sitting there waiting each time that event is triggered.
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