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Posted By: HellSpawn Multi Network Scripting - 21/10/03 08:25 PM
I am just starting to do multi-network scripting for the first time and I'm having a bit of trouble with it...

I want to be able to have a script send a message to a specific channel on a specific network or possibly even send one message to multiple channels (but not all channels) on multiple networks that I'm connected to.

What I was trying to do was set up a dialog where I input the message in an edit box, select a network in a list box, then add channels for that network in a second list box that I want the message to go to on that network. I can set up the dialog fine and all that, the part I'm having a problem with is telling mirc which connection the relevant channels are on.

One thing I've noticed is when I try to use the /scid or /scon commands to do this, if for example I connect to three networks and then close the second network, the third still maintains a $cid of 3, but the /scid doesn't work because it no longer sees a third connection, it only sees two...

Connection 1 = Dalnet ( $cid(1) )
Connection 2 = Efnet ( $cid(2) )
Connection 3 = Undernet ( $cid(3) )

When I close the Efnet connection (and the corresponding Status window) the Undernet connection maintains a $cid value of 3. However the /scid and /scon commands will not work with a value of 3 because they are counting the number of connections (open status windows) not going to a specific $cid value.

At least that's how it seems to be working from what I've seen...

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated... confused
Posted By: Collective Re: Multi Network Scripting - 21/10/03 08:32 PM
/scid uses the connection ID and /scon uses the number of the connection. So /scid 3 echo -s a should echo "a" to the EFnet status window.
Posted By: HellSpawn Re: Multi Network Scripting - 21/10/03 08:40 PM
ah yes, you're right, sorry I mis-stated the problem I was having... it's when I try to extract the $cid of Efnet that I have problems... I am supposed to use the $scid identifier for this correct? and if so, what would be the proper usage to identify the $cid for each network I'm connected to so that I can set them to a variable?
Posted By: Collective Re: Multi Network Scripting - 21/10/03 08:50 PM
Not sure I entirely understood you but $scon(1) returns the Connection ID of the first open status window $scon(2) returns the Connection ID of the second, etc.

//scid -a echo -a $!cid $!server will echo a list of Connection IDs and the servers they are connected to.

Edit: Removed some unnessecary code from above.
Posted By: WhoJoeDaddy Re: Multi Network Scripting - 21/10/03 09:01 PM
A few simple tools
alias network-cid {
  ; Usage: Returns the first CID for given network (if it exists)
  ; $network-cid([color:green]network[/color])
  var %i = 1
  while ($scid(%i) != $null) {
    if ($scid(%i).network == $1-) return $scid(%i)
    inc %i
  return $false

alias server-cid {
  ; Usage: Returns the first CID for given server (if it exists)
  ; $server-cid([color:red]server[/color])
  var %i = 1
  while ($scid(%i) != $null) {
    if ($scid(%i).server == $1-) return $scid(%i)
    inc %i
  return $false

alias network-con {
  ; Usage: Returns the first connection number for given network (if it exists)
  ; $network-con([color:green]network[/color])
  var %i = 1
  while ($scon(%i) != $null) {
    if ($scon(%i).network == $1-) return $scon(%i)
    inc %i
  return $false

alias server-con {
  ; Usage: Returns the first connection number for given server (if it exists)
  ; $server-con([color:red]server[/color])
  var %i = 1
  while ($scon(%i) != $null) {
    if ($scon(%i).server == $1-) return $scon(%i)
    inc %i
  return $false

* Replace with network name
* Replace with server name
Posted By: HellSpawn Re: Multi Network Scripting - 21/10/03 10:30 PM
That's exactly what I was looking for WhoJoeDaddy...

Thanks!! smile
Posted By: HellSpawn Re: Multi Network Scripting - 22/10/03 03:41 AM
Well, I realized that while the info you provided works great under normal circumstances it doesn't work in the case I indicated where a second connection window has been closed... because as I stated, the third connections $cid does not change. so when it gets to $scid(2) in the while loop it returns a $false value because there is no $scid(2)...

I did however finally figure out a work-around for this... basically by identifying all the $cid values of all open server windows with one loop, then running those values through your loop in place of the incrementing variable you were using... you can see what I came up with below...
alias network-cid {
  ; Usage: Returns the first CID for given network (if it exists)
  ; $network-cid(network)
  var %cid = 1
  while ($numtok(%tempnet,127) < $scid(0)) {
    if ($scid(%cid) != $null) {
      if (%tempnet == $null) { 
        var %tempnet = $scid(%cid)
        inc %cid
      else {
        var %tempnet = %tempnet $+ $chr(127) $+ $scid(%cid)
        inc %cid
    else {
      inc %cid
  var %i = 0
  while (%i <= $scid(0)) {
    inc %i
    if ($scid($gettok(%tempnet,%i,127)).network == $1-) return $scid($gettok(%tempnet,%i,127))
  return $false

Thanks for your help on this though... as you can see I used one of the small scripts you gave me to base my solution on... smile

and if anyone can show me any ways to simplify this any further, I'd appreciate it cool
Posted By: EVH Re: Multi Network Scripting - 22/10/03 02:43 PM
You're absolutely right ... I didn't think of that, so I
changed $network-cid() & $server-cid() to the following ...
alias network-cid {
  ; Usage: Returns the first CID for given network (if it exists)
  ; $network-cid(network)
  var %i = 1
  while ($scon(%i) != $null) {
    if ($scon(%i).network == $1-) return $scon(%i).cid
    inc %i
  return $false
alias server-cid {
  ; Usage: Returns the first CID for given server (if it exists)
  ; $network-cid(server)
  var %i = 1
  while ($scon(%i) != $null) {
    if ($scon(%i).server == $1-) return $scon(%i).cid
    inc %i
  return $false
Posted By: HellSpawn Re: Multi Network Scripting - 28/10/03 12:20 AM
Oh sure... just go and do it the easy way...


Thanks again for the help cool
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