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Posted By: fred999 $dll: unable to open ... - 16/09/03 12:07 PM

I downloaded a script from some website and tried it. The name of the file was de.mrc and I did /load -rs de.mrc. it said:

* Loaded script 'C:\mIRC\de.mrc'

So far, so good.

But then whenever I try one of the script's commands, it says this:

* $dll: unable to open 'C:\mIRC\darkenginepro.dll' (line 94, de.mrc)

The file darkenginepro.dll is in C:\mIRC. C:\mIRC\darkenginepro.dll exists so the problem is not that the file does not exist.

Line 94 in the script looks like this:

alias de { return $dll(darkenginepro.dll,$1,_) }

I know that the script works because I've seen it work on my friend's computer so why does it not work on mine?

Any ideas?
Posted By: sparta Re: $dll: unable to open ... - 16/09/03 12:11 PM
I cant say why it dont work, i need to see the rest of the code.. but have you been looking so the DLL file arent corupted?
Posted By: fred999 Re: $dll: unable to open ... - 16/09/03 12:15 PM
yeah, I replaced the file a few times. and I copied my friend's file where it works and it still won't work on mine.

We use the same mIRC version. And even if I re-install mIRC (with the most recent version), it still won't work.
Posted By: sparta Re: $dll: unable to open ... - 16/09/03 12:19 PM
You shure u have all the files that r needed? and is it a big script? if not, then plz paste the code so i can see what its suposed to do smile
Posted By: fred999 Re: $dll: unable to open ... - 16/09/03 12:24 PM
Yeah, I followed the instructions on the website:

I have all the files (there are only two, the mrc file and the dll file)

You can download the script on that site.

here is the mrc code.

;DarkEngine Professional 1.12.2
;script v1.17.99: apexad (dll: Aprentice)

on *:load:{ echo -ae DarkEngine dll script has been loaded | dek 3 | fde }

;Customizable Aliases
alias sysinfo { dem OS: $de(osver)  $+ $dek $+ CPU: $de(cpuinfo) $+ , $de(cpuspeed)  $+ $dek $+ Video:  $de(monitorname) on $de(videocard) ( $+ $de(res) $+ )  $+ $dek $+ Sound: $de(soundcard)  $+ $dek $+ Memory: Used: $de(availphysicalmem) $+ / $+ $de(totalphysicalmem) $+ MB  $+ $dek $+ Uptime: $de(uptime)  $+ $dek $+ HD: Free: $de(hdspace)  $+ $dek $+ Connection: $de(connection) }
alias pamp { set %wamp.format is listening to " $+ &a $+ " .: $+ &b / &c / &d - &e $+ / $+ &f $+ :. | me $dll(darkenginepro.dll,parseGetwinampsong,%wamp.format) | unset %wamp.format }

alias isys { $dll(darkenginepro.dll,submitspecs,$me) }
alias cver { $de(checkversion) }

alias fsb { dem FSB: $de(fsb) }
alias sysclock { dem System Clock: $de(sysclock) }
alias multiplier { dem Multiplier: $de(multiplier) }

alias cpuinfo { dem CPU: $de(cpuinfo) $+ , $de(cpuspeed) $+ , $de(cpuL2cache) $+ KB ( $+ $de(cpuload) Load $+ ) }

alias l1cache { dem L1 Cache: $de(cpuL1cache) }
alias l2cache { dem L2 Cache: $de(cpuL2cache) }
alias l3cache { dem L3 Cache: $de(cpuL3cache) }
alias allcache { msg $active  $+ $de(cpuLcache) }
alias bios { dem Bios: $de(bios) }
alias biosdate { dem Bios Date: $de(biosdate) }
alias winstall { dem Installed On: $de(installtime) }

alias cputemp { dem Temp: $de(mbm5cputemp) }
alias voltage { dem Voltage: $de(mbm5volt) }
alias fan { dem Fan: $de(mbm5fan) }

alias cpuload { dem CPU Load: $de(cpuload) }
alias cpuarch { dem CPU Architecture: $de(cpuarchitech) }
alias cpucount { dem CPU Count: $de(cpucount) }
alias videomem { dem Video Memory: $dll(darkenginepro.dll,videomem,_) MB }
alias oldhd { msg $active $dll(darkenginepro.dll,hdspaceold,_) }

;Encrytion Aliases
alias e { det encryption $1- }
alias d { det decryption $1- }
alias binenc { det binencryption $1- }
alias bindec { det bindecryption $1- }
alias keyenc { det keyencryption $1- }
alias keydec { det keydecryption $1- }

;Info Aliases
alias about { $de(about) }
alias descript { /me is using de.mrc v1.17.99 (written by: apexad (dll: Aprentice)) }
alias newabout { about | descript }
alias hd { dem HD: $de(hdspace) }
alias hdspace { det spechdspace $1 }
alias cd { dem CD-Drives: $de(cddrives) }
alias osver { dem Operating System: $de(osver) }
alias winuser { dem Windows User: $de(username) }
alias osinfo { dem OS info: $de(username) on $de(osver) }
alias wamp { $de(winampsong) }
alias next { $de(nexttrack) }
alias cpu { dem CPU: $de(cpuinfo) }
alias cpuspeed { dem CPU Speed: $de(cpuspeed) }
alias cpudetail { dem CPU Details: $de(cpudetails) }
alias cpuinfo { dem CPU: $de(cpuinfo) $+ , $de(cpuspeed) }
alias uptime { dem Uptime: $de(uptime) }
alias suptime { dem Uptime: $de(spelluptime) }
alias memload { dem Memory Load: $de(memoryload) }
alias vmem { dem Avaliable Virtual Memory: $de(availvirtualmem) MB }
alias vusedmem { dem Virtual Memory Used: $de(usedvirtualmem) MB }
alias vtotalmem { dem Total Virtual Memory: $de(totalvirtualmem) MB }
alias mem { dem Avaliable Physical Memory: $de(availphysicalmem) MB }
alias usedmem { dem Used Physical Memory: $de(usedphysicalmem) MB }
alias totalmem { dem Total Physical Memory: $de(totalphysicalmem) MB }
alias memratio { dem RAM: $de(usedphysicalmem) $+ / $+ $de(totalphysicalmem) $+ MB }
alias drunk { det drunk $1- }
alias leet { det leet $1- }
alias rev { det reverse $1- }
alias wave { $de(wave) }
alias ascii2bin { det ascii2bin $1- }
alias monitor { dem Monitor: $remove($de(monitorname),Color,Monitor) }
alias videocard { dem Video Card: $de(videocard) }
alias res { dem Resolution: $de(res) }
;alias video { dem Video: $remove($de(monitorname),Color,Monitor) on $de(videocard) $chr(91) $+ $de(videomem) MB $+ $chr(93) $chr(40) $+ $de(res) $+ $chr(41) }
alias video { dem Video: $remove($de(monitorname),Color,Monitor) on $de(videocard) $chr(40) $+ $de(res) $+ $chr(41) }
alias batlife { dem Battery Life: $de(TimeLeftOfBatteryLife) }
alias batcharge { dem Battery Charged: $de(BatteryChargeStatus) }
alias batpower { dem Battery Power: $de(ACPowerStatus) }
alias soundcard { dem Sound Card: $de(soundcard) }
alias conn { dem Connection: $de(connection) }
alias band { dem Current Downstream: $de(bandwidthdown) $+ kb/s }
alias upband { dem Current Upstream: $de(bandwidthup) $+ kb/s }
alias sys { dem  $+ $replace($de(sysinfo),3, $+ $dek $+ ,Monitor,,Color,) }
alias record { dem Record Uptime: $de(recorduptime) }

;DE Aliases (NO EDITING!)
alias fde { flushini de.ini }
alias de { return $dll(darkenginepro.dll,$1,_) }
alias det { if (key isin $1) { msg $active $remove($dll(darkenginepro.dll,$1,$2-),$left($2,2)) } | else { dem  $+ $dll(darkenginepro.dll,$1,$2-) } }
alias dem { msg $active  $+ $dek $+  $+ $1- } }
alias deq { return $$?="Enter message/text" }
alias dek { if ($isid == $true) { return $readini(de.ini,options,color) } | if ($isid == $false) { writeini de.ini options color $remove($1,) | flushini de.ini } }

; DarkEngine script menus
menu channel,query {
System Information.:/sys
Post Specs Online:/isys
.Operating System:/osver
.Win Username:/winuser
.Full OS Info:/osinfo
.Clock Speed:/cpuspeed
.System Clock:/sysclock
.Total CPU's:/cpucount
.L1 Cache:/l1cache
.L2 Cache:/l2cache
.L3 Cache:/l3cache
.All Cache:/allcache
.Memory Load:/memload
.Virtual Memory
.Physical Memory
Hard Drive:/hd
.Video Card:/videocard
.Video Mem:/videomem
Sound Card:/soundcard
Cd Drives:/cd
Battery (Laptops Only)
.Battery Life:/batlife
.Connection Device:/conn
.Current Downstream:/band
.Current Upstream:/upband
.Bios Name:/bios
.Bios Date:/biosdate
.Win Install Date:/winstall
.Cpu Temperature:/cputemp
..Encrypt Text:/e $$deq
..Decrypt Text:/d $$deq
.Binary Eec/Dnc
..Binary Encrypt Text:/binenc $$deq
..Binary Decrypt Text:/bindec $$deq
.Key Enc/Dec
..Key Encrypt Text:/keyenc $$?="Enter a 2 digit number (the key)" $$deq
..Key Decrypt Text:/keydec $$?="Enter the key" $+ $$deq
Text Manipulation
.Leet:/leet $$deq
.Drunk:/drunk $$deq
.Reverse:/rev $$deq
.Ascii to Binary:/ascii2bin $$deq
.Song Info:/wamp
.Next Song:/next
.DarkEngine DLL:/about
.Check Version:/cver
Posted By: sparta Re: $dll: unable to open ... - 16/09/03 12:33 PM
I cant see any error in that script.. but you are shure u dont trying to run it in another version of mirc then what its writed for? and if i were you i would get another script.. that script looks big to me, it only give you som system info, and still its huge, you can do the same thing with only half of the code.. so look at www.mircscripts.org .. then try some of the "addons" there. smile
Posted By: fred999 Re: $dll: unable to open ... - 16/09/03 12:36 PM
Well, it worked on mIRC 6.03 on my friend's computer and it doesn't work on my mIRC 6.03. So I don't think it's the version of mIRC that is the problem.

I will give up that script. it's no good if it doesn't work.

I'll check your website. thanks for your help
Posted By: sparta Re: $dll: unable to open ... - 16/09/03 12:38 PM
No Problem smile
Posted By: fred999 Re: $dll: unable to open ... - 17/09/03 02:06 AM
I updated DirectX on Windows 2000 and it works now.

Go figure.

I still won't use the script though.
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