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Posted By: sparta somone that have a answer? - 06/09/03 06:51 AM
I sending a erronumus message to the server every 60 secconds, and then i calc out the time for that message to return and using it for my lag meter, and now i noticed that somtimes it adding a letter to the word it sending away, the word i using is "whatsmylag", and somtimes i see "wwatsmylag", how come mirc add that extra W somtims? i have been searching all my files, and its not me that miss spelled the word, its no word spelled ww in any of my files, how come mirc sending it? any ideas? i dont paste the whole code here cos it works 99% of the times, just that 1% that f*s upp.. confused
Posted By: LocutusofBorg Re: somone that have a answer? - 06/09/03 08:03 AM
mIRC doesn't add the letters on it's own, so it must bne a script error. No code = we can't help.
Posted By: Kancer Re: somone that have a answer? - 06/09/03 10:02 AM
amen locus lol :tongue: post the code and il get right on it smile
Posted By: sparta Re: somone that have a answer? - 06/09/03 03:25 PM
alias checklag {
  if (%lag.stat == on) raw -q whatsmylag | setvar sentat $calc($ticks / 1000)   

raw 421:*: {
  if ($2 == whatsmylag) {  
    set %blu.sec seconds
    %pt = $round($calc((($ticks / 1000) - $lagstat(sentat)) * 2),1)

there you have the code, and i trigger "checklag" every 60 sec .. and then i calc som stuff to get my right lag reply, i only writing some info to a ini file, so i didnt past that code here, the only thing that file does is make the $calc get the right value, and as you see in that code it dont have any "ww", so where does it come from? it happens somtimes when i join a channel, and somtimes it just happen while im idle, i havent got it while i had a debug window open so cant point to what cosing this to happen.. and as i said befor i dont have any word anywhere in my script that using ww so i cant understand why it get that somtimes, the error i see is this:
° WTF?!? trying to learn the server new tricks? what is WWHATSMYLAG?
but its only a echo so it dont tell me when or why it sending "wwhatsmylag"

"i made the echo look like that, so its not any wierd stuff" grin
Posted By: theRat Re: somone that have a answer? - 06/09/03 07:05 PM
try /debug @raw to see if it's mIRC or server or something between those what is doing that
Posted By: sparta Re: somone that have a answer? - 07/09/03 01:09 PM
i halted raw 403, and the error went away, "i dont see it anyway" .. and if i type it in a channel "/wwhatsmylag" then the error reply will return in all upper (caps), but when the script/mirc send the command by it self, then its all in lower.. (no caps)
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