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Posted By: pheonix $disk - 15/08/03 03:33 PM
dialog ram {
size -1 -1 772 19
title "Dialog"
text "Ram:",1,103 1 134 17
text "30 0 100",2,-1 2 100 15
on *:dialog:ram:init:*:{
dll mdx.dll SetMircVersion $version
dll mdx.dll MarkDialog $dname
dll mdx.dll SetControlMDX $dname 2 ProgressBar smooth > ctl_gen.mdx
did -a $dname 2 $calc($disk(c:).size - $disk(c:).free) 0 $disk(c:).size
did -a $dname 1 $left($percent($disk(c:).free,$disk(c:).size),2) $+ %
$calc($disk(C:).size - $disk(c:).free) should return the disk space being used?
it doesnt, any help greatly appreciated grin
Posted By: Collective Re: $disk - 15/08/03 03:42 PM
Diskspace has nothing to do with RAM.
Posted By: pheonix Re: $disk - 15/08/03 04:00 PM
i meant disk use.
Posted By: Collective Re: $disk - 15/08/03 04:13 PM
For me $calc($disk(C:).size - $disk(c:).free) does return the amount of free diskspace, remember it is it bytes, not megabytes.
Posted By: pheonix Re: $disk - 15/08/03 04:15 PM
i know, but my $percent alias has worked on anyhting i have tried it on, but this it returns 80% and i only use 4gb out of 28gb..... and the progress bar is near full..
Posted By: LocutusofBorg Re: $disk - 15/08/03 04:36 PM
Well, if the $percent identifier is apparantly causing a problem, don't you think it would be a good idea to post the code for that here rather than the whole dialog??
Posted By: pheonix Re: $disk - 15/08/03 04:42 PM
nope, because $percent isnt use in the actual progress bar...
and my progress bar is nearly full
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