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Is there any way to find out whether the whois is perform from notify list?
I assume you mean you have a code similar to

on *:NOTIFY: whois $nick

seeing how being on the notify list has nothing to do with doing a hwois. The only fix then is to add the following line to the on notify event:

  set %notify $nick

and then in the raw events triggered by the whois:

  if (%notify == $2) { do stuff here }

as well as adding the following optional line for cleanip:

raw 318:*: if (%notify == $2) unset %notify
In the notify list there is a checkbox to /whois people when they come online, I think he means that.

on *:NOTIFY:{
  if ( $notify($nick).whois ) {
    set $+(%,$nick,whois,$cid) 1
raw 318:*:{
  unset $+(%,$2,whois,$cid)

That would set %bobwhois1 to 1 whenever bob came online and the whois option was checked in his notify list entry, the 1 in the variable name is the $cid of the server he came online on. It would unset %bobwhois1 when raw 318 (End of /WHOIS list.) is recieved.
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