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Posted By: mIRCusr echo @ special window - 08/08/03 12:30 PM

I'm using echo in 'aliases' and 'remote scripts'. Often i've more than one status-windows ... and mostly i only see one of them.

Is there a chance to show echo-text in a defined window? Can i open an extra window for echo-text ... perhaps an empty status-window?
Posted By: feud Re: echo @ special window - 08/08/03 12:36 PM
from the help file:
/echo [color] [-deghiNtsaqlbfnmr] [#channel|[=]nick] <text>

If a channel/nickname isn't specified, the -s switch echos to the status window, the -d switch echos to the single message window, and the -a switch echos to the currently active window.

so, you can use '/echo -s' to send the message to the current connections status window.

or, if you only want to have one place where all your echo's go, you could open a /window and make /echo redirect all the text using /aline.
Posted By: mIRCusr Re: echo @ special window - 08/08/03 12:58 PM
Thx for your fast answer!

The -a param of echo command i like.

Can someone tell me how to use /window and /aline? I get error-msg '* /window: invalid parameters' and i don't find the command in help or faq.
Posted By: Collective Re: echo @ special window - 08/08/03 01:28 PM
You mean you don't have the /window command in your mIRC help file? I suggest redownloading mIRC from www.mirc.com then.

In brief:
/window @window
Makes a window called @window

/window -d @window
Makes a window called @window on the desktop

/window -c @window
Closes the window called @window

There are many many switches, redownload and install mIRC then type /help /window.
Posted By: root Re: echo @ special window - 08/08/03 01:29 PM
/window [-abBcCdeEfg[N]hikl[N]mnoprRsvwxz] [-tN,..,N] [+bdeflLmnstx] <@name> [x y [w h]] [/command] [popup.txt] [font [size]] [iconfile [N]]

/window -e @echotext
This would make a @window with an editbox so you can add/delete text from it at your convineance.

/aline [c] <@name> <text> add line to list
/cline [c] <@name> <N> changes the color of the Nth line to color C
/dline [c] <@name> <N[-N2]> delete Nth line through N2th line
/iline [c] <@name> <N> <text> insert line at Nth line
/rline [c] <@name> <N> <text> replace Nth line
/sline [c] <@name> <N> select Nth line

...commands that would be used to add/delete etc to and from your @window.

Instead of echo -s text to your status window, replace with
aline @echotext $1- to echo any/all information that you want to your @window.

And yes, this was all gathered from /help crazy
Posted By: mIRCusr Re: echo @ special window - 08/08/03 01:53 PM

Thank you very much!!

Now i'm downloading the newest mirc ... perhaps there are more info.
Posted By: mIRCusr Re: echo @ special window - 08/08/03 03:05 PM
Ok, i've found /window in helpfile.

But i've a problem. Sometimes the text is to long for one line. I found switch E for multi-line editbox ... but is there a switch for multi-line listbox too?
Posted By: feud Re: echo @ special window - 08/08/03 03:07 PM
use '/aline @win -p <text>' to force mirc to wrap the text if it's too long for one line.
Posted By: mIRCusr Re: echo @ special window - 08/08/03 03:09 PM
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