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Posted By: krunch modes - 14/07/03 10:27 AM
This is what I have atm
modes {
  var %i = 1, %nick
  while ($snick(#,0) >= %i) {
    %nick = %nick $snick(#,%i)
    inc %i
  $iif($1 != $null , mode # $1 $+ $str($2,$snick(#,0)) %nick , $&
    echo error: syntax; modes +/- <o $+ $chr(44) $+ v $+ $chr(44) $+ h>)

works okay, but it wont let ya do more than the server says
Efnet has a limit of 4 per line
anyone know an easyer way than using if statmens to carry it on so it will carry on setting modes in different blocks?
so it will do 4 and then do another 4 etc?


[EDIT: added a line continuation character to make the alias better fit the forum. -Hammer]
Posted By: obsessed Re: modes - 14/07/03 10:37 AM
Here is an example for you: (untested)
massdeop {
%x = 1
%nicks = ""
while (%x <= $snick(#,0) {
%nicks = %nicks $snick(#,%x)
if (4 // %x) { mode # -oooo %nicks | %nicks = "" }
inc %x 1
if (%nicks) mode # -ooo %nicks
Posted By: krunch Re: modes - 14/07/03 10:49 AM
ya missed a ) and had too many } but works well
cheers smile

aussies are smart... for sometimes smile

btw its not for mass, but I guess it could be used that way
im lazy! why click on voice 4x when once will do it smile
Posted By: krunch Re: modes - 14/07/03 10:55 AM
btw here is what im using
modes {
  var %x = 1, %nicks = ""
  while (%x &lt;= $snick(#,0)) {
    %nicks = %nicks $snick(#,%x)
    if (4 // %x) { .mode # $1 $+ $str($2,4) %nicks | %nicks = "" }
    inc %x 1
  if (%nicks) { .mode # $1 $+ $str($2,3) %nicks }
Posted By: qwerty Re: modes - 14/07/03 11:24 AM
If you want your script to work correctly on every network (not just on Efnet), replace 4 with $modespl. Other networks, for example, allow 6 mode changes in one go. $modespl returns the appropriate value for each network.
Posted By: obsessed Re: modes - 14/07/03 11:46 AM
Good point.
Posted By: Hammer Re: modes - 14/07/03 12:15 PM
You are doing a mass mode change for the selected nicks. Therefore, you can use $snicks to get a comma-delimited list of nicks to operate on. Here's one strategy:
  1. Check to ensure that:

    a. $active is a channel
    b. you are opped in the active channel
    c. $1 is either a + or a -
    d. $2 is either o, v or h
    e. you have nicks selected to operate on.
    f. the length of $snicks is less than 900, to prevent /set: line too long error messages.

    Complain if there is a problem with an appropriate error message and halt the script.
  2. Save $snicks in a local variable and replace the commas with spaces so you can modify its contents with $deltok(%snicks, 1-4, 32) as you work through the list, creating your list of $modespl nicks.
  3. Create a local variable to use to build the MODE commands you'll be sending.
  4. Create a local variable to hold the range 1-$modespl ... $+(1-,$modespl) ... to use as the second parameter of a $gettok() on %snicks (and the subsequent $deltok() to remove the first 1-$modespl nicks from %snicks).
  5. Create a local variable to hold the +|-mode string so you don't have to keep evaluating identifiers to use the identical string repetitively. Use $modespl to return the number of MODES Per Line allowed on that network, for use in the $str() .. $str($2, $modespl) ... then combine that with $1 (the + or -) with $+() ... $+($1, $str($2, $modespl)) ... to create your +oooo.
  6. Now all you have to do is loop through %snicks to create each of the MODE commands. You do not need a loop index because you will simply be using moding the first 1-$modespl nicks, then removing them from the list and repeating until the list is fully processed (deleted). That means you can use ($gettok(%snicks, %range, 44)) as your loop condition and then $replace the commas in $ifmatch with spaces.
One way to dramatically speed up the alias and possibly even prevent flooding off is to build the mode strings and add them all together until their length exceeds 400 (approaches 500). Then send the mode string and start rebuilding it. In order to do that, you will need to save the results of $ifmatch so you don't lose them when you check to see if %ModeString already exists, and thus needs the $crlf separator between the commands. When you finally exit the loop, you check to see if there are any left over mode strings that need to be sent (that weren't sent because the length of the mode strings didn't exceed 400) and send the remaining string.

Since I have described the algorithm fairly clearly, I have only labelled the major sections below to match the above description.

alias modes {
  ;  1. Input error checking
  if $active !ischan {
    echo $color(ctcp) -ait * /MODES CHANNEL ERROR: $&amp;
      You are not in a channel window.
  elseif $me !isop $active {
    echo $color(ctcp) -ait * /MODES OP ERROR: $&amp;
      You are not opped in $active $+ .
  elseif !$istok(-:+,$1,58) {
    echo $color(ctcp) -ait * /MODES USAGE ERROR: $&amp;
      The first parameter must be either + or - only. No other characters are allowed.
  elseif !$istok(o:h:v,$2,58) {
    echo $color(ctcp) -ait * /MODES USAGE ERROR: $&amp;
      The second parameter must be a channel mode to apply to all of these nicks and must be one of: o, h or v.
  elseif !$snicks {
    echo $color(ctcp) -ait * /MODES NICK SELECTION ERROR: $&amp;
      You have not selected any nicks in $active $+ .
  elseif $len($snicks) &gt; 900 {
    echo $color(ctcp) -ait * /MODES NICK SELECTION ERROR: $&amp;
      You have selected too many nicks in $active $+ .
  ;  2-5. Variable declarations
  var %SNicks = $replace($snicks, $chr(44), $chr(32))
  var %ModeString
  var %Range = $+(1-,$modespl)
  var %ModeList = MODE $chan $+($1,$str($2, $modespl))
  ;  6. Loop through the selected nicks
  while ($gettok(%SNicks, %Range, 32)) {
    var %IfMatch = $ifmatch
    if (!%ModeString) %ModeString = %ModeList %IfMatch
    else %ModeString = $+(%ModeString, $crlf, %ModeList %IfMatch)
    if $len(%ModeString) &gt; 400 {
      .raw %ModeString
      %ModeString = $null
    %SNicks = $deltok(%SNicks, %Range, 32)
  if (%ModeString) .raw %ModeString

One final note: a nice touch might be to deselect all the selected nicks with /sline -r $active. If you put this in, put it in immediately following the final IF statement before the closing }. Like this:

  if (%ModeString) .raw %ModeString
  sline -r $active
Posted By: obsessed Re: modes - 14/07/03 12:21 PM
Very nice.
Posted By: krunch Re: modes - 14/07/03 03:13 PM
1st: Nice, good explantion of everthing, you should be like in a help chan or something smile

2nd: are u insnane?

smile here I thought that the script that i had worked okay and you come along with that smile
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