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Posted By: JuZt3r my own ban list. - 05/07/03 01:20 AM
I want to ban list a hole chan, so i tried to make a script that adds everyone who join\write somthing in the chan. its like this.
on *:join:#chan: {
auser -a hatechan $nick
on *:text:**:#chan: {
auser -a hatechan $nick
on @hatechan:join:#mychan: echo -at $nick ison hatechan!
what am i doing wrong?
Posted By: SladeKraven Re: my own ban list. - 05/07/03 02:54 AM
Just out of curiosity why have you got an on TEXT event that triggers when anything is said in a channel then adds the user to the hatechan level. When they join they are automatically added to the user list so there is no need for that event because they would already be in the hatechan user list.
Plus it should be on *:TEXT:*:#: { } not on *:TEXT:**:#: { }
Posted By: SladeKraven Re: my own ban list. - 05/07/03 03:02 AM
I am gussing it wont work because you have two on JOIN events in one script. I tried your code and it wouldn't work for me either. Try this code, it should work.

on *:JOIN:#: {
  guser 10 $nick 8
  if (10 isin $level($address($nick,8))) && ($me isop $chan) {
    echo -t *** $nick ison hatechan
Posted By: pheonix Re: my own ban list. - 05/07/03 08:34 AM
alias banall {
var %i 1
while (%i <= $nick($chan,0)) {
auser hatechan $address($nick($chan,%i),1)
inc %i
/me wonders why you want to banlist a whole channel anyway :tongue:
Posted By: SladeKraven Re: my own ban list. - 05/07/03 09:38 AM
* SladeKraven thinks something kinky between the original poster and the channel agents (if any) is gonna go down. grin
Posted By: pheonix Re: my own ban list. - 05/07/03 09:49 AM
me too shocked
Posted By: KingTomato Re: my own ban list. - 05/07/03 03:20 PM
well, it coud be similar to the whole "bad channel" theme. The user joins the "bad channel", then adds the whole room to a ban list. Then, they part the channel with that whole room ban-listed and can then take users who join and kick them if they saw them in the bad chan. >:D Simple enough
Posted By: pheonix Re: my own ban list. - 05/07/03 03:27 PM
ive used that a few times, but a lot of the time its for other purposes shocked
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