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alias nc {
set %mail $$?="Your Email"
set %pass $$?*="Your Pass"
sockopen nc messenger.hotmail.com 1863

on *:sockopen:nc: {
echo -a 4Connection Started
if ($sockerr) { echo 4 -a 12Connection Refused $+ $sock($sockname).wsmsg }
else {
sockwrite -nt $sockname VER 3 MSNP7 MSNP6 MSNP5 MSNP4 CVRO

on *:sockread:nc: {
if ($sockbr > 0) {
sockread -f %tempdata
echo -a 4 %tempdata
if (VER 3 isin %tempdata) { sockwrite -nt $sockname INF 1 | 4Connection Initiated With Dispatch Server }
else { return }
sockread -f %tempdata
echo -a 4 %tempdata
if (INF 1 MD5 isin %tempdata) { sockwrite -nt $sockname USR 2 MD5 I %mail | echo -a 4Sending %mail Email To Hotmail Dispatch Server } else { return }
sockread -f %tempdata
echo -a 4 %tempdata
if (XFR isin %tempdata) { set %newserver $replace($gettok(%tempdata,4,32),:,$chr(32)) | echo -a 4 Getting New Server From Dispatch Server $+ %newserver }
sockclose $sockname
sockopen nc1 %newserver

this is a code for creating connection with MSN Dispatch server and getting the new server IP to connect to it as Notification server .. the socket scripter can't understand it but the socket scripter with some knowledge in MSN protocol 7 can understand it ... so my problem is this code has sumthin wrong .. i can't figure it out .. so i want help from someone

when i start this code it is echoed me Connection Started
and stopped here
so what`s wrong?
why it doesn continue?
there is no sockerr i think cuz if there is sockerr it will return according to my if-else
and also there is data sent and received
cuz also my if ($sockbr > 0)
if data stopped it rturn
so what is the wrong
plz help me
you wont get msn chat server help here
I'm not exactly sure it's a script to chat on MSN. Seeing how it connects to hotmail.com and everything.
I've done a MSN Messenger client so I know this protocol. So here is a code I modified from yours.

alias nc {
  sockclose nc
  sockopen nc messenger.hotmail.com 1863 

on *:sockopen:nc:{
  if (!$sockerr) {
    sockwrite -n $sockname VER 0 MSNP7 MSNP6 MSNP5 MSNP4 CVRO

on *:sockread:nc:{
  sockread %tempdata
  if (%tempdata == VER 0 MSNP7 MSNP6 MSNP5 MSNP4) { sockwrite  -n $sockname INF 1 }
  if (%tempdata == INF 1 MD5) { sockwrite -n $sockname USR 2  MD5  I  %mail }
  if (XFR 2 isin %tempdata) { echo $replace($gettok(%tempdata,4,32),:,$chr(32)) }
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