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Posted By: XGamerAMD $ibl on common channels - 15/12/22 08:34 AM
alias xban {
var %i = 1
while (%i <= 10) {
echo -a Nro: $+ %i $+ $ibl($comchan($me,%i),%i) | inc %i

show the list and unban

any help?
Posted By: maroon Re: $ibl on common channels - 15/12/22 08:44 AM
in normal words, what's the end goal of this? is this supposed to show the 1st 10 bans in a channel?
$comchan is intended to identify the channels you share with some other nick, so $comchan shared with $me is basically the same thing as $chan(%i).
What your code ends up doing is showing the 1st ban of your 1st channel, the 2nd ban of your 2nd channel, etc
Posted By: XGamerAMD Re: $ibl on common channels - 15/12/22 09:11 AM
the goal of this are unban all bans in same time
Posted By: maroon Re: $ibl on common channels - 15/12/22 06:08 PM
all bans in a specific channel? in all channels that you're in?
what does 'same time' mean? Are you wanting to have all the bans stacked together into 1 command? For that, it would require more information about your network, since as how many mode commands can be combined into 1 statement, which can be seen in the 005 reply to the
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