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Posted By: charliedecker help info bot json and chan please - 28/08/22 06:58 PM
I have this code but the version of icecast has been updated and I would like you to help me get the information from this website

website: https://delta.radioplayer.com.ar/json/stream/rumbasfm

code error:

ON *:SOCKOPEN:radio: {
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /json/stream/rumbasfm HTTP/1.1 
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: $my_icecast_url
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Connection: Close
  sockwrite $sockname $crlf

ON *:SOCKREAD:radio: {
  var %radio | sockread %radio 

ON *:SOCKCLOSE:radio: {
  var %radio | sockread -f %radio
  var %x = 1
  while (%x <= $numtok(%radio,34)) {
    var %g = $gettok(%radio,%x,34)
    if (%g != :) && (%g != ,) && (%g != dummy) && (*null* !iswm  %g) && (%g != :{) && (%g != $chr(123)) {
      if (icestats == %g) { set %icestats 1 }
      if (%icestats == 1) && (%g != icestats) {
        if (!%admin) { inc %admin 1 }
        if (%admin) { if (!%itva) { inc %itva 1 | set %citem %g }
          elseif (%itva) { 
            if (%citem == servername) { set %servername $replace(%g,$chr(32),chr(32)) }
            if (%citem == nowplaying ) { set $+(%,nowplaying,%servernaname) %g }
            if (%citem == bitrate) { set  $+(%,bitrate,%servername) $remove(%g,:,$chr(44)) }
            if (%citem == ice-channels) { set  $+(%,ice-channels,%servername) $remove(%g,:,$chr(44)) }
            if (%citem == ice-samplerate) { set  $+(%,ice-samplerate,%servername) $remove(%g,:,$chr(44)) }
            if (%citem == ice-url) { set  $+(%,ice-url,%servername) %g }
            if (%citem == listener_peak) { set  $+(%,listener_peak,%servername) $remove(%g,:,$chr(44)) }
            if (%citem == connections) { set  $+(%,connections,%servername) $remove(%g,:,$chr(44)) 
              msg $my_icecast_chan $replace(%servername,chr(32),$chr(32)) Now Playing: $($+(%,nowplaying,%servernaname),2) BitRate: $($+(%,bitrate,%servername),2) Channels: $($+(%,ice-channels,%servername),2) SampleRate: $($+(%,ice-samplerate,%servername),2) Listeners: $($+(%,connections,%servername),2) (Peak: $($+(%,listener_peak,%servername),2) )
              msg $my_icecast_chan Listen @ $($+(%,ice-url,%servername),2)
              unset $+(%,*,%servername)
              unset %servername
            unset %citem %itva
    inc %x
  unset %admin %icestats

alias my_icecast_url {
  ;;Input your server's URL below (don't erase "return") >> DON'T INCLUDE THE :PORT <<
  return delta.radioplayer.com.ar

alias my_icecast_port {
  ;;Input  below the port that the server is listening to (don't erase "return")
  return 9260 

alias my_icecast_chan {
  ;;Input your the channel(s) you want the messages to be sent in below
  ;;For multiple channels seperate with a comma , (e.g #chan1,#chan2,#chan3
  return #rumbas_adm

alias ice_check { 
  if (!%ice_check) {
    set %ice_check 1
    .timerice_check 0 250 sockopen radio $my_icecast_url $my_icecast_port
    echo -at Ice Cast Info Is Now On!
  elseif (%ice_check) {
    unset %ice_check
    .timerice_check off
    echo -at Ice Cast Info Is Now Off!
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