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I might not be able to do this, but wanted to ask.

As Eggbot is hosted on a thin client running windows 10, there are typically windows updates that need installing. I've set it so a manual restart is required, and I usually do this during the evening, when most channels are not live, however, if a restart is forced, I want to be able to send a message to all connected channels, stating: "The EggBot Server is required to be restarted to install updates. During this time, EggBot will not be responsive for between 5-10 minutes. Please Wait, and the bot will reconnect to the channel."

I've tried utilising /scon -a , but this doesn't seem to be working, or I don't understand the command / syntax well enough to code it correctly.

Hoping someone can shed some light / point me in the right direction

And before anyone states, it'll be a command only I can initiate, due to -scon being abusable.

Can you re-explain what you're wanting? At first it sounded like you wanted something that could detect that windows was wanting to do an update-shutdown, but then it seems like you want an alias that will let you send a message to all channels on all network connections. If it's the latter, that's the question to ask and no need to mention updates
Ideally, both, but the latter is most important right now

When I do a manual restart, using the command to send to all channels is a good start

If it's an automatic restart, if there's a way to detect it, and message, that would be ideal.
Anyone have any progress on this? Still not been able to get $scon working
Okay, used the example of $scon I found, and now I'm able to broadcast on all channels at the same time!

** Global amsg - performs an amsg on all the
** the actives connections you are on.
** /gamsg <message>
alias gamsg {
  if (!$1) {
    echo -gtcse info * /gamsg: insufficient parameters
  ; all active connections
  scon -at1 amsg $unsafe($1-)

on *:TEXT:!botrestart:#: {
  .gamsg Please Note, the bot is required to be restarted due to updates. During this time the bot will be unresponsive. Thank you for your understanding.
Okay, so in regards to the above, as long as the message seems to be less than 15 characters, it sends to all channels successfully, however sending a longer message only gets delivered to the first handful of channels, and not all.

What I need now, is a way to delay the below, so there's 2 seconds between each message sending (without needing to add every channel into the code with a timer).

(The message is showing up in the IRC client, but not showing in the twitch chat, which I feel is being hit by twitch chat limits, hence the reason for the delay)

on *:TEXT:!botrestart:#: {
  if ($nick != eggfriedcheese) { return }
  .gamsg Please Note, the bot machine is required to be restarted due to updates. During this time the bot will be unresponsive. Thank you for your understanding.

on *:TEXT:!global *:#: {
  if ($nick != eggfriedcheese) { return }
  .gamsg $2-

Worked out it can be done like this:
** /delayscon <message>
alias delayscon {
  var %a 1
  while ($scon(%a)) {
    scon %a
    .timerscon $+ %a 1 $calc((%a -1) * 2) $unsafe($1-)
    inc %a
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