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How can add ":" and " " (space) after nick completion with TAB ?
It was a long time ago I made scripts. This code works great for me.
The code could take longer times in channels that have many users.
If someone else could come up with a better way, that would be nice.

on 1:INPUT:#:*:{
  var %totalNicks = $nick($chan,0)
  %inc = 1
  while(%inc < %totalNicks) {
    if ($nick($chan,%inc) == $1) {
      say $+($1,:,$chr(32)) $2-
    inc %inc
//tokenize 32 mAroon test | if (($1 !isnum) && ($nick($chan,$1))) echo -a $+($1,:) $2-

on *:INPUT:#:*:{
  if (($1 !isnum) && ($nick($chan,$1))) { say $+($1,:) $2- | haltdef }
where must be pasted
//tokenize 32 mAroon test | if (($1 !isnum) && ($nick($chan,$1))) echo -a $+($1,:) $2-
in aliases ?
look in the status:
[19:34] *:{ Unknown command
Your snippet doesn't work to me.
That was just a test command that accidentally got pasted. I put the code into the code-block
Originally Posted by meow81
where must be pasted
//tokenize 32 mAroon test | if (($1 !isnum) && ($nick($chan,$1))) echo -a $+($1,:) $2-
in aliases ?

This is a test command. You can paste this line into the command line of the channel (Editbox) and click on the "Enter" to check how this code sets the colon after the specified nickname.
The only error is that what is most likely there is no user on your network with a nickname "mAroon" on the channel you are checking.
Therefore, you can replace this nickname with an identifier that will display your own nickname "$me":

//tokenize 32 $me test | if (($1 !isnum) && ($nick($chan,$1))) echo -a $+($1,04:) $2-

Note: The result of this test will be visible only to you.
I blindly copied the event handler you posted, assuming you had it correct. The :#: field doesn't belong there, and it works without it:

on *:INPUT:*:{
  if (($1 !isnum) && ($nick($chan,$1))) { say $+($1,:) $2- | haltdef }
in the last version of mirc .in the status

[21:10] 32 Unknown command

if you use that command
//tokenize 32 $me test | if (($1 !isnum) && ($nick($chan,$1))) echo -a $+($1,04:) $2-
doesn't work to me
//tokenize 32 $me test | if (($1 !isnum) && ($nick($chan,$1))) echo -a $+($1,04:) $2-
it has some conflicts with other snippets in the mirc scripts editor installed.
Ok now it works, i had to disable a acronym snippet to make it work.
now works that too
how to make it also for a nick that is not the first word of a phrase ?
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