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Posted By: RiMaJoy my on input event help - 03/04/20 10:04 PM
Good day all
I have this on input event:
on *:input:#: {
  if (/* !iswm $1) && (~* !iswm $1) {
    var %msg = $1-
    .echo -q $regsub(%msg,/((?:ftp:\/\/|https?:\/\/|www2?\.)[^<>\.\s]+(?:\.[^<>\.\s]+)+(?:\/[^<>\.\s]+)*)/g,12\1,%msg)
    .!msg $active %msg | echo -i26 14 $+ $timestamp  $+ $str( ,$calc(13 - $len($nick($chan,$nick).pnick))) $+ $p $+ $+( ,$me,) $+ : %msg

Now i like to add an acronym to it wich has this as an on input event:
on *:input:*:{ 
  var %z = 1, %a = acronyms.txt
  if ($left($1-,1) !iswm /) && ($active !iswm Status window) {
    while (%z <= $lines(%a)) { 
      var %i = $read(%a,%z)
      if ($istok($strip($1-),$gettok(%i,1,32),32)) var %u = $replace($1-,$gettok(%i,1,32),$gettok(%i,2-,32))  
      inc %z
    msg $active $iif(%u,%u,$1-) | haltdef

I'm no pro but i can't put those two together.
No matter what i try after i say something in the room the room closes without error.
I figured out that this part is causing that:
$str( ,$calc(13 - $len($nick($chan,$nick).pnick))) $+ $p $+ $+( ,$me,) 

Is there any way to change this so it will work?

I hoped this would work:
on *:input:*:{ 
  var %z = 1, %a = acronyms.txt
  if ($left($1-,1) !iswm /) && ($active !iswm Status window) {
    while (%z <= $lines(%a)) { 
      var %i = $read(%a,%z)
      if ($istok($strip($1-),$gettok(%i,1,32),32)) var %u = $replace($1-,$gettok(%i,1,32),$gettok(%i,2-,32))  
      inc %z
    var %msg = $iif(%u,%u,$1-)
    .echo -q $regsub(%msg,/((?:ftp:\/\/|https?:\/\/|www2?\.)[^<>\.\s]+(?:\.[^<>\.\s]+)+(?:\/[^<>\.\s]+)*)/g,12\1,%msg)
    .!msg $active %msg | echo -i26 14 $+ $timestamp  $+ $str( ,$calc(13 - $len($nick($chan,$nick).pnick))) $+ $p $+ $+( ,$me,) $+ : %msg

I hope someone can help
Posted By: RiMaJoy Re: my on input event help - 04/04/20 08:22 PM
damn ..... i forgot to add the alias for the $p. whistle cry

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