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Posted By: dah Need help with the script I'm using (for twitch) - 10/01/20 11:44 PM
Hello there guys, I'm looking for people to help me out so when someone subscribes with Twitch Prime, Subs/Resubs it will post it in the chat saying the person has subscribed with Twitch Prime/tier 1,2 or 3.
What sort of subscription they paid for etc... if it comes down paying a person to make me a script for it sure I'll pay. Something like this I want to be done. https://i.imgur.com/0qUZHac.png

The script I got is this;

on *:CONNECT: {
raw CAP REQ :twitch.tv/membership
raw CAP REQ :twitch.tv/commands
raw CAP REQ :twitch.tv/tags twitch.tv/commands
raw CAP REQ :twitch.tv/tags

ON *:CONNECT: IF ($server == tmi.twitch.tv) CAP REQ :twitch.tv/commands twitch.tv/tags twitch.tv/membership

; LOOK FOR TRIGGER: your Twitch channel && are subscription related
IF (($msgtags(room-id).key == 101555534) && ($istok(sub resub subgift submysterygift, $msgtags(msg-id).key, 32))) {
VAR %name $IIF($regex($msgtags(display-name).key, /^[a-z\d_]+$/ig), $msgtags(display-name).key, $msgtags(login).key)
VAR %msg-id $msgtags(msg-id).key
VAR %msg-param-cumulative-months $msgtags(msg-param-cumulative-months).key
VAR %msg-param-months $msgtags(msg-param-months).key
VAR %msg-param-streak-months $msgtags(msg-param-streak-months).key
VAR %msg-param-sub-plan $IIF($msgtags(msg-param-sub-plan).key isnum, $calc($msgtags(msg-param-sub-plan).key / 1000), $msgtags(msg-param-sub-plan).key)
; MASS SUB GIFTER ALERT: thank the person who gifted the subs and prevent messages for each individual sub
IF (%msg-id == submysterygift) {
VAR %msg-param-mass-gift-count $msgtags(msg-param-mass-gift-count).key
INC %submysterygift. $+ %name %msg-param-mass-gift-count
MSG $1 HYPERS !!NEW SUB!! HYPERS %name just gifted %msg-param-mass-gift-count tier %msg-param-sub-plan ! Thanks for supporting the channel! tehranBoris tehranLove
ELSEIF (%msg-id == sub) {
IF (%msg-param-sub-plan isnum) MSG $1 HYPERS !!NEW SUB!! HYPERS %name just subscribed at tier %msg-param-sub-plan $+ ! tehranLove
ELSEIF (%msg-param-sub-plan == Prime) MSG $1 HYPERS !!PRIME SUB!! HYPERS %name just subscribed with Twitch Prime! imGlitch HolidayPresent
ELSEIF (%msg-id == resub) {
IF (%msg-param-sub-plan isnum) VAR %msg_resub HYPERS !! RE-SUB !! HYPERS %name just re-subscribed at tier %msg-param-sub-plan $+ $chr(44) tehranLove
ELSEIF (%msg-param-sub-plan == Prime) VAR %msg_resub HYPERS !! RE-SUB !! HYPERS %name just re-subscribed using Twitch Prime $+ $chr(44) imGlitch PartyPopper
IF (%msg-param-cumulative-months > 1) VAR HYPERS !! RE-SUB !! HYPERS %msg_resub %msg_resub and has been subscribed for a total of %msg-param-cumulative-months months $+ $chr(44) tehranBoris tehranLike
IF (%msg-param-streak-months > 1) VAR HYPERS !! RE-SUB !! HYPERS %msg_resub %msg_resub and is on a %msg-param-streak-months month sub streak $+ $chr(44) tehranBoris tehranLike tehranLove
MSG $1 $left(%msg_resub,-1) $+ !
ELSEIF (%msg-id == subgift) {
; IF the receiver of the Gifted Sub is the ONLY PERSON to be gifted a sub (ie it's NOT a Mass Sub Gift of two or more) then we WILL display a message in chat
IF (!$($+(%,submysterygift.,%name),2)) {
VAR %name_gifted_to $IIF($regex($msgtags(msg-param-recipient-display-name).key, /^[a-z\d_]+$/ig), $msgtags(msg-param-recipient-display-name).key, $msgtags(msg-param-recipient-user-name).key)
MSG $1 %name just GIFTED a tier %msg-param-sub-plan subscription to %name_gifted_to $+ ! $IIF(%msg-param-months > 1, It is their %msg-param-months month sub anniversary!, $null) PogU
; ELSE the receiver of the Gifted Sub is part of a Mass Sub Gift, therefor we display NOTHING in chat to prevent spam!
DEC %submysterygift. [ $+ [ %name ] ]
IF (!$($+(%,submysterygift.,%name),2)) UNSET %submysterygift. [ $+ [ %name ] ]

If anybody can rewrite the script out for me/or help me what I've done wrong as I only copied the script so it's not my work. I really want this script to work.
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