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Posted By: Orobas Fix needed for raw output - 08/09/19 12:08 PM
Having a problem editing the output of a whois and whowas script currently..

It is the whowas (.lastid) i am having issues with. with the .msg #ops .. it outputs fine.. But with a large whowas.. i dont want it to flood the channel..

I have tried to swap .msg #ops to .msg $nick but no pm opens to the user issuing the command!
for the moment i have commented out the command to remove it from the ops menu of commands

Looking for a fix please.. and a limit to just 10 results being outputted. The bot is running mirc 7.55. and its unrealircd version

raw 311:*: {
  .msg #ops $2 $+ 's whois ID: $+($3,@,$4) and Real Name is: $6- | halt
raw 314:*: {
  ;.msg #ops $2 $+ 's whowas ID: $+($3,@,$4) and Real Name was: $6- | halt
  ;.msg $nick $2 $+ 's whowas ID: $+($3,@,$4) and Real Name was: $6- | halt
on *:text:*:#ops: {
  if ($nick isop $chan) && ($regex($1-,/(^|\s)(.idshow?w?s?\s\S+)/i)) {
    tokenize 32 $regml(2) | whois $2
  if ($nick isop $chan) && ($regex($1-,/(^|\s)(.lastid?d?s?\s\S+)/i)) {
    tokenize 32 $regml(2) | whowas $2
Posted By: goblin58 Re: Fix needed for raw output - 15/09/19 07:56 AM
You can specify the maximum count in the whowas command, eg. /whowas goblin58 10
Posted By: Orobas Re: Fix needed for raw output - 17/09/19 04:59 PM
cry oh man...... ended up going hashtables and everthing plus having to halt raw312 .... script is fixed and running now though thanks to Degausser. This is what we ended up with

raw 311:*: {
  .msg #ops $2 $+ 's whois ID: $+($3,@,$4) and Real Name is: $6- | halt
raw 314:*: {
  ;.msg #ops $2 $+ 's whowas ID: $+($3,@,$4) and Real Name was: $6-
  if ($hasActiveSearch(314,$2)) {
    sendToUser $numeric $2 10 $2 $+ 's whowas ID: $+($3,@,$4) and Real Name was: $6-

raw 406:*: {
  if ($hasActiveSearch(314,$2)) {
    sendToUser 314 $2 $2 $+ 's whowas information could not be found

raw 369:*: {
  if ($hasActiveSearch(314,$2)) {
    removeRawUser 314 $2

on *:text:*:#ops: {
  if ($nick isop $chan) && ($regex($1-,/(^|\s)(.idshow?w?s?\s\S+)/i)) {
    tokenize 32 $regml(2) | whois $2
  if ($nick isop $chan) && ($regex($1-,/(^|\s)(.lastid?d?s?\s\S+)/i)) {
    addRawUser 314 $2 $nick
    if (!$hasActiveSearch(314,$2)) tokenize 32 $regml(2) | whowas $2

;/addRawUser [rawEventId] [searchTerm/searchForUser] [searchByUser]
alias -l addRawUser {
  var %search = $2, %user = $3, %table = $+(event_search_table_,$1), %table2 = event_search_max
  if (!$hget(%table)) .hmake %table 2
  if (!$hget(%table2)) .hmake %table2 2
  if ($len($hget(%table,%search))) hadd %table %search $addtok($hget(%table,%search),%user,9)
  else hadd %table %search %user
  if (!$hget(%table2,$+($1,_,$2))) hadd event_search_max $+($1,_,$2) 0

;/removeRawUser [rawEventId] [searchTerm/searchForUser]
alias -l removeRawUser {
  var %search = $2, %table = $+(event_search_table_,$1), %table2 = event_search_max
  if ($len($hget(%table,%search))) {
    hdel %table %search
    if ($len($hget(%table2,$+($1,_,%search)))) {
      hdel %table2 $+($1,_,%search)

alias -l hasActiveSearch {
  return $len($hget($+(event_search_table_,$1),$2))

;/sendToUser [rawEventId] [searchTerm/searchForUser] [max] [message] (0 for no max)
alias -l sendToUser {
  var %search = $2, %table = $+(event_search_table_,$1)
  if ($len($hget(%table,%search))) {
    var %table2 = event_search_max, %item = $+($1,_,%search)
    if ($len($hget(%table2, %item)) && ($hget(%table2, %item) < $3 || $3 == 0)) {
      hinc %table2 %item
      if ($3 == $hget(%table2, %item)) hdel %table2 %item
      var %users = $hget(%table,%search)
      while ($len(%users)) {
        .msg $gettok(%users,1,9) $4-
        %users = $deltok(%users,1,9)
raw 312:*: {
  if ($hasActiveSearch(314,$2)) haltdef
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