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Hello! I am trying to write a script to write a message to a channel on a specific times for every day of the week. Currently the script that I am doing crashes mIRC client and was wondering if anyone knows a better way of doing this?

Current Script:

on me:*:join:#channel:{
while (($day == Thursday)) {
if (($time == 16:04:00)) {
msg $chan test $day and $time
if (($time == 15:50)) {
msg $chan test $day and $time
if (($time == 15:52)) {
msg $chan test $day and $time
if (($time == 15:53)) {
msg $chan test $day and $time
take a peek at this thread and see if it's what you need
if (*00:??:* iswm $fulldate) {
.msg BlakeNote works.

I'm sure you can see the pattern and take it from there
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