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Posted By: x3pos [Twitch]create timer in chat - 15/07/16 01:24 PM
i need this and only for me (not using other viewers)

x3pos:!timer1 60 "MY Message"
BOT:timer1 created. your message will be using every 60 seconds!

x3pos:!stoptimer "timer1"
BOT:timer1 stopped.

other viewers:!timer1 60 "random"
BOT:you cant use this commands.
Posted By: Fonic_Artes Re: [Twitch]create timer in chat - 16/07/16 12:14 AM
/help timers
/help $1-
/help $unsafe

If you're running v7.44 or later, the /help $unsafe will be there, otherwise it won't appear in the help menu.

I'd also like to mention that you posted a thread similar to this before, 2 months ago.
Posted By: x3pos Re: [Twitch]create timer in chat - 16/07/16 03:42 PM
my english bad. sorry. so i need the code only
Posted By: x3pos Re: [Twitch]create timer in chat - 02/08/16 03:16 PM
alias theme return 3
alias t.set {
  ;; 4 is time in seconds
  if ($1 == 1) return $+($theme,Your timer will now be run every4 15 minutes ,$theme,infinate times until you disconnect or leave.)
  elseif ($1 == 2) return $+($theme,,$nick,,$chr(44) you already have a timer running. Type !timer off to remove your timer.)
  elseif ($1 == 3) return $+($theme,[Advert][,$2,] $3-)
  elseif ($1 == 4) return 900
  elseif ($1 == 5) return $+($theme,Your timer has been removed from the rotation.)
  elseif ($1 == 6) return $+($theme,$2 $+ 's timer has been removed from the rotation.)

on *:NICK:{
  if ($timer($+(.,$nick.,$chan,.advert)).secs) {
    timer $+ $+(.,$nick,.,$chan,.advert) off
    var %com $left($gettok($timer($+(.,$nick.,$chan,.advert)).com,3-,44),$calc($len($gettok($timer($+(.,$nick.,$chan,.advert)).com,3-,44)) - 1))
    .timer $+ $+(.,$newnick,.,$chan,.advert) 0 $v1 msg $chan $+($,t.set,$chr(40),3,$chr(44),$newnick,$chr(44),%com,$chr(41)) 

on *:PART:#:{
  if ($timer($+(.,$nick.,$chan,.advert)).secs) {
    .timer $+ $+(.,$nick,.,$chan,.advert) off 
on *:QUIT:{
  if ($timer($+(.,$nick.,$chan,.advert)).secs) {
    .timer $+ $+(.,$nick,.,$chan,.advert) off 

on *:TEXT:*:#:{
  if ($1 == !timer) {
    if ($2 == on) {
      if (!$timer($+(.,$nick.,$chan,.advert)).secs) {
        notice $nick $t.set(1)
        msg $chan $t.set(3,$nick,$3-)
        .timer $+ $+(.,$nick,.,$chan,.advert) 0 $t.set(4) msg $chan $+($,t.set,$chr(40),3,$chr(44),$nick,$chr(44),$3-,$chr(41))
      else {
        msg $chan $t.set(2)
    elseif ($2 == off) {
      if (!$3) {
        msg $chan $t.set(5)
        .timer $+ $+(.,$nick,.,$chan,.advert) off 
      elseif ($3 && $nick($chan,$nick,@&~)) {
        msg $chan $t.set(6,$3)
        .timer $+ $+(.,$3,.,$chan,.advert) off 

i want use this my nick only and moderator only...
Posted By: Fonic_Artes Re: [Twitch]create timer in chat - 02/08/16 03:54 PM
For yourself and moderators.

if ($nick == $mid(#,2) || $nick isop #) {
This line here goes after the on *:TEXT:*:#:{ line.

That'll cover your and any moderator.
Keep in mind for isop to work you need to run these

/raw CAP REQ :twitch.tv/membership
/raw CAP REQ :twitch.tv/commands
Posted By: x3pos Re: [Twitch]create timer in chat - 03/08/16 03:00 PM
/raw CAP REQ :twitch.tv/membership
/raw CAP REQ :twitch.tv/commands

alias theme return 3
alias t.set {
  ;; 4 is time in seconds
  if ($1 == 1) return $+($theme,Your timer will now be run every4 15 minutes ,$theme,infinate times until you disconnect or leave.)
  elseif ($1 == 2) return $+($theme,,$nick,,$chr(44) you already have a timer running. Type !timer off to remove your timer.)
  elseif ($1 == 3) return $+($theme,[Advert][,$2,] $3-)
  elseif ($1 == 4) return 900
  elseif ($1 == 5) return $+($theme,Your timer has been removed from the rotation.)
  elseif ($1 == 6) return $+($theme,$2 $+ 's timer has been removed from the rotation.)

on *:NICK:{
  if ($timer($+(.,$nick.,$chan,.advert)).secs) {
    timer $+ $+(.,$nick,.,$chan,.advert) off
    var %com $left($gettok($timer($+(.,$nick.,$chan,.advert)).com,3-,44),$calc($len($gettok($timer($+(.,$nick.,$chan,.advert)).com,3-,44)) - 1))
    .timer $+ $+(.,$newnick,.,$chan,.advert) 0 $v1 msg $chan $+($,t.set,$chr(40),3,$chr(44),$newnick,$chr(44),%com,$chr(41)) 

on *:PART:#:{
  if ($timer($+(.,$nick.,$chan,.advert)).secs) {
    .timer $+ $+(.,$nick,.,$chan,.advert) off 
on *:QUIT:{
  if ($timer($+(.,$nick.,$chan,.advert)).secs) {
    .timer $+ $+(.,$nick,.,$chan,.advert) off 

on *:TEXT:*:#:{
  if ($nick == $mid(#,2) || $nick isop #) {
    if ($1 == !timer) {
      if ($2 == on) {
        if (!$timer($+(.,$nick.,$chan,.advert)).secs) {
          notice $nick $t.set(1)
          msg $chan $t.set(3,$nick,$3-)
          .timer $+ $+(.,$nick,.,$chan,.advert) 0 $t.set(4) msg $chan $+($,t.set,$chr(40),3,$chr(44),$nick,$chr(44),$3-,$chr(41))
        else {
          msg $chan $t.set(2)
      elseif ($2 == off) {
        if (!$3) {
          msg $chan $t.set(5)
          .timer $+ $+(.,$nick,.,$chan,.advert) off 
        elseif ($3 && $nick($chan,$nick,@&~)) {
          msg $chan $t.set(6,$3)
          .timer $+ $+(.,$3,.,$chan,.advert) off 

am i wrong ? doesnt work.
Posted By: Tulga Re: [Twitch]create timer in chat - 02/09/16 10:56 AM

Hope that will help smile

on *:text:!timer*:#: {
  if ($nick == x3pos || $nick isop) {
    if ($2 == $null || $3 == $null || $4 == $null || $3 !isnum) { msg # insufficient parameters: !timer <timername> <repeat sec> <msg> | return }
    if ($timer($2).secs) { msg # You already have timer called $2 | return }
    .timer $+ $2 0 $3 msg # $4-
    msg # Timer $2 created and will repeat every $3 seconds! to stop use !stoptimer <timername>
  else { 
    msg # You cant use this command! 

on *:text:!stoptimer*:#: {
  if ($nick == x3pos || $nick isop) {
    if ($timer($2).secs) {
      .timer $+ $2 off
      msg # Timer $2 stopped
    else { msg # There is no timer called $2 }
  else { 
    msg # You cant use this command! 

Posted By: x3pos Re: [Twitch]create timer in chat - 02/09/16 12:18 PM
Thank you its working.
Posted By: Tulga Re: [Twitch]create timer in chat - 03/09/16 08:19 AM
You're welcome smile
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