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Posted By: raycomp Limit nick changes - 07/06/16 12:18 PM
I have a channel with some users that continuously change nicks. Does someone have some ideas on how to limit changes? Something like after 3rd nick change in an hour to msg the nick to wait 10min before changing again.
Posted By: OrFeAsGr Re: Limit nick changes - 07/06/16 01:37 PM
Some/most ircd's have a channel mode to limit that to whatever you want.
If you could do /version and see the ircd it would be helpfull
For a scripted solution you could use something like this:
ON *:NICK: {
inc $+(%,nicks,$address($nick,2)) 1
if ($($+(%,nicks,$address($nick,2)),2) == 3) {
msg $nick You Are changing nicks too fast please wait for X minutes
unset $+(%,nicks,$address($nick,2))

But this wouldn't prevent them from contiuing.
Like i said some ircd's have +b N:host
Which stops the host you want from changin nicks. You could add that to the script if the ircd supports. (In some ircd's it's +b Q:host )
There's also +N mode which stops the nick changes for all users.
And a mode that limits nick changes in times:seconds format.
Posted By: raycomp Re: Limit nick changes - 08/06/16 06:20 PM
Thank you the version is: Unreal 3.2.10.
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