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Posted By: Othello Selected Text - 28/05/03 05:37 AM
The Problem I am having is in the Blue section. The script will
not bring up the selected color codes when the dialog
window is opened. Can someone point out what I am doing
wrong? When I use this as a single dialog combo window. It
works fine.


Menu channel,menubar,query,status {
  Colour Nick:dialog -mo dcn dcn

dialog dcn1 {
  title "Colour Nick"
  size -1 -1 77 30
  option dbu
  combo 2, 4 7 35 70, drop
  check "Check", 3, 41 9 30 10
  button "Cancel", 4, 4 19 35 10, cancel
  button "Update", 5, 40 19 35 10, ok

dialog dcn {
  title "Colour Nick"
  size -1 -1 162 84
  option dbu
  box "Nick Colors ", 1, 1 0 74 68
  box "Other Colors ", 2, 74 0 87 68
  box "", 3, 1 64 160 19
  combo 4, 4 7 35 70, drop
  check "OPed", 5, 41 9 30 10
  combo 6, 4 19 35 70, drop
  check "Half-OP", 7, 41 21 30 10
  combo 8, 4 31 35 70, drop
  check "Voiced", 9, 41 32 30 10
  combo 10, 4 43 35 70, drop
  check "Regular", 11, 41 44 30 10
  combo 12, 4 55 35 70, drop
  check "My Nick", 13, 41 55 30 10
  combo 14, 77 7 35 70, drop
  check "IRCops", 15, 114 9 30 10
  combo 16, 77 19 35 70, drop
  check "Away", 17, 114 21 30 10
  combo 18, 77 31 35 70, drop
  check "Brackets Colour", 21, 114 44 45 10
  combo 20, 77 43 35 70, drop
  check "Nick Brackets", 19, 114 32 45 10
  combo 22, 77 55 35 70, drop
  check "Nick Colour", 23, 114 55 45 10
  button "Create Brackets", 24, 76 70 46 10
  button "On/Off", 25, 4 70 35 10
  button "Cancel", 26, 123 70 35 10, cancel
  button "Update", 27, 40 70 35 10, ok

on *:dialog:dcn:*:*:{
  if $devent == init {
    if (%on.chk == 1) did -c dcn 5
    if (%hn.chk == 1) did -c dcn 7
    if (%nv.chk == 1) did -c dcn 9
    if (%vn.chk == 1) did -c dcn 11
    if (%mn.chk == 1) did -c dcn 13
    if (%ic.chk == 1) did -c dcn 15
    if (%an.chk == 1) did -c dcn 17
    if (%chr.chk == 1) did -c dcn 19
    if (%brk.chk == 1) did -c dcn 21
    if (%nic.chk == 1) did -c dcn 23
    didtok -a $dname 4 32 White Black Dk.Blue Green Red Maroon Purple Orange Yellow Lt.Green Teal Cyan Blue Pink Dk.Grey Lt.Grey 
    didtok -a $dname 6 32 White Black Dk.Blue Green Red Maroon Purple Orange Yellow Lt.Green Teal Cyan Blue Pink Dk.Grey Lt.Grey 
    didtok -a $dname 8 32 White Black Dk.Blue Green Red Maroon Purple Orange Yellow Lt.Green Teal Cyan Blue Pink Dk.Grey Lt.Grey 
    didtok -a $dname 10 32 White Black Dk.Blue Green Red Maroon Purple Orange Yellow Lt.Green Teal Cyan Blue Pink Dk.Grey Lt.Grey 
    didtok -a $dname 12 32 White Black Dk.Blue Green Red Maroon Purple Orange Yellow Lt.Green Teal Cyan Blue Pink Dk.Grey Lt.Grey 
    didtok -a $dname 14 32 White Black Dk.Blue Green Red Maroon Purple Orange Yellow Lt.Green Teal Cyan Blue Pink Dk.Grey Lt.Grey 
    didtok -a $dname 16 32 White Black Dk.Blue Green Red Maroon Purple Orange Yellow Lt.Green Teal Cyan Blue Pink Dk.Grey Lt.Grey 
    didtok -a $dname 18 32 $chr(62) $chr(62) <> () [] /\ {@} <=- -=> )=- -=( ]=- -=[ }=- -={ °º© °º®§ °º©§
    didtok -a $dname 20 32 White Black Dk.Blue Green Red Maroon Purple Orange Yellow Lt.Green Teal Cyan Blue Pink Dk.Grey Lt.Grey 
    didtok -a $dname 22 32 White Black Dk.Blue Green Red Maroon Purple Orange Yellow Lt.Green Teal Cyan Blue Pink Dk.Grey Lt.Grey [color:blue] 
    did -c $dname 4 %on.clr
    did -c $dname 6 %hn.clr
    did -c $dname 8 %vn.clr
    did -c $dname 10 %nv.clr
    did -c $dname 12 %mn.clr
    did -c $dname 14 %ic.clr
    did -c $dname 16 %an.clr
    did -c $dname 18 %chrl.clr
    did -c $dname 20 %brk.clr
    did -c $dname 22 %nic.clr  [color:red] 
  elseif $devent == sclick {
    if ($did == 4) { if ($did(4).seltext) { set %on.clr $did(4).seltext | /dcnon4 } }
    if ($did == 6) { if ($did(6).seltext) { set %hn.clr $did(6).seltext | /dcnhn6 } }
    if ($did == 8) { if ($did(8).seltext) { set %vn.clr $did(8).seltext | /dcnvn8 } }
    if ($did == 10) { if ($did(10).seltext) { set %nv.clr $did(10).seltext | /dcnnv10 } }
    if ($did == 12) { if ($did(12).seltext) { set %mn.clr $did(12).seltext | /dcnmn12 } }
    if ($did == 14) { if ($did(14).seltext) { set %ic.clr $did(14).seltext | /dcnic14 } }
    if ($did == 16) { if ($did(16).seltext) { set %an.clr $did(16).seltext | /dcnan16 } }
    if ($did == 18) { if ($did(18).seltext) { set %chrl.clr $did(18).seltext | set %chrr.clr $did(18).seltext | /dcnchr18 } }
    if ($did == 20) { if ($did(20).seltext) { set %brk.clr $did(20).seltext | /dcnbrk20 } }
    if ($did == 22) { if ($did(22).seltext) { set %nic.clr $did(22).seltext | /dcnnic22 } }
    if ($did == 24) { set %chrl.chk $$?="Enter Left Bracket W/Color" | if $?!="Would you like set the right Bracket like the left?" == $true { set %chrr.chk %chrl.chk } | else { set %chrr.chk $$?="Enter Right Bracket W/Color" } }
    if ($did == 27) { set %on.chk $did(5).state | set %hn.chk $did(7).state | set %vn.chk $did(9).state | set %nv.chk $did(11).state | set %mn.chk $did(13).state | set %ic.chk $did(15).state | set %an.chk $did(17).state | set %chr.chk $did(19).state | set %brk.chk $did(21).state | set %nic.chk $did(23).state }
Posted By: Nimue Re: Selected Text - 28/05/03 05:42 AM
    did -c $dname 4 $didwm(4,%on.clr)

Posted By: Othello Re: Selected Text - 28/05/03 05:50 AM
Nimue I really appreciate the help
I guess that makes you " Da WoMan!!!!" grin
Posted By: Online Re: Selected Text - 28/05/03 05:53 AM
/did, as well as /didtok, support multiple ids per one command.
You can replace those nine /didtok lines with a single, faster one:
didtok -a $dname 4,6,8,10,12,14,16,20,22 32 White Black Dk.Blue ...

and the /did -c series could be replaced with:
did -c $dname 4,6,8... $didwm(...)
Posted By: Nimue Re: Selected Text - 28/05/03 05:56 AM
How/why is because /did -c requires the item [and line NUMBER]
$didwm() returns the line number of the matching text.. smile
Posted By: Othello Re: Selected Text - 28/05/03 06:41 AM
I believe I should spend more time making sure I am using the latest copy of mirc so when I search the help file I get the right answers blush
Posted By: Nimue Re: Selected Text - 28/05/03 07:59 AM
Yeah that helps. grin
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