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Posted By: Khonor [Twitch] Help with !status and !game - 25/05/16 03:00 AM
Hi all,

I don't get it working... I put the json script in a new remote file, replaced "my_bot" with "Name Of My Bot" and replaced "bot_accesstoken" with "AccessToken Of My Bot"

What am i doing wrong? Any help is appreciated.

alias -l OAUTH {
goto $iif(#* iswm $1, $mid($1, 2-), $1)

:My_Bot | return Bot_AccessToken


on $*:TEXT:/^!(status|game)(\s|$):#:{
var %n = $lower($regml(1))
var %json = TwitchStreamUpdate
var %data

if ($0 == 1) {
JSONOpen -du %json https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/ $+ $lower($mid(#, 2-))
if ($JSONError) {
msg # Unable to retrieve $lower(%n $+ .)
elseif ($json(%json, %n)) {
msg # Current %n $+ : $v1
else {
msg # Unable to retrieve $lower(%n $+ .)
elseif ($nick != $mid(#,2-)) {
elseif (!$OAUTH(#)) {
else {
var %data, %json = TwitchStreamUpdate
if (%n == status) {
%data = {"channel":{"status":" $+ $escape($2-) $+ "}}
else {
%data = {"channel":{"game":" $+ $escape($2-) $+ "}}

JSONOpen -duw %json https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/ $+ $lower($mid(#, 2-))
JSONUrlMethod %json POST
JSONUrlHeader %json Connection close
JSONUrlHeader %json Accept application/vnd.twitchtv.v3+json
JSONUrlHeader %json Content-type application/json
JSONUrlHeader %json Content-length $len(%data)
JSONUrlHeader %json Authorization OAuth $OAUTH(#)
JSONUrlGet %json %data

if ($jsonerror) {
msg # Unable to update $lower(%n $+ .)
elseif ($JSON(%json, %n)) {
msg # Updated $lower($1) $+ : $v1
else {
msg # Unable to update $lower(%n $+ .)

alias -l escape return $regsubex($1-, /([^a-z\d_-\.])/gi, \ $+ \t)
Replace POST with PUT in this line:
JSONUrlMethod %json POST

Also your bot must have editor access in the channel.
Posted By: Khonor Re: [Twitch] Help with !status and !game - 25/05/16 03:06 PM
Hey @paper0rplastic,

I did replace "POST" with "PUT", but still remains unanswered.

Originally Posted By: paper0rplastic
Replace POST with PUT in this line:
JSONUrlMethod %json POST

Also your bot must have editor access in the channel.

I'm testing in the channel of the bot, you need editor access? And he clarified that the channel is Offline, it is also necessary that the channel this Online?
If the channel you are using is the same as the bot account, then no, no need to add as editor. Should also work whether the channel is live or offline. Try placing your access token directly in the on $*:TEXT: event here:
JSONUrlHeader %json Authorization OAuth Bot_AccessToken

If it still does not work, you may have to request a new OAuth token that has a channel_editor scope. You can use this tool to request an OAuth token with the scopes you need: http://twitch.center/token
Posted By: Khonor Re: [Twitch] Help with !status and !game - 25/05/16 11:59 PM
@paper0rplastic I can not get it to work, does not give any response.. I've already tried in many ways without result.

I well have this script, but I tried in various ways but not responds the bot, I have set as says "Name Of My Bot" and "Password", but still remains unanswered.

on ^*:logon:*:{
if ($network == twitch) && ($twitch(# [ $+ [ $mnick ] ]).token) {
.raw PASS oauth: $+ $v1
.raw NICK $mnick

on @*:text:!commercial*:#:{
if ($nick isop #) twitch.commercial # $iif($2 isnum,$2)

on @*:text:/^!(topic|game)/iS:#:{
var %switch $iif($1 == !topic,status,game)
if ($2 != $null) {
if ($nick isop #) twitch.topic # %switch $2-

alias twitch.follow {
var %user = $1, %user.chan = #$1, %target = $2, %chan = $3
inc -e %nonce
var %sockname = twitch.follow. $+ %nonce

hfree -w %sockname | .hmake %sockname
hadd %sockname oath.token $twitch(%user.chan).token
hadd %sockname request /kraken/users/ $+ %user $+ /follows/channels/ $+ %target
hadd %sockname method PUT
hadd %sockname data
hadd %sockname chan %chan
hadd %sockname target %target
hadd %sockname signal twitch.follow
sockopen -e %sockname api.twitch.tv 443

on *:signal:twitch.follow:{
var %err = $1, %sockname = $2, %header = $3, %data = $4
var %chan = $hget(%sockname,chan)

if (* 200 OK iswm $read(%header,n,1)) $iif(%chan,msg %chan,echo -ag) Successfully followed $json(%data,channel,display_name)
else $iif(%chan,msg %chan,echo -ag) Could not follow $hget(%sockname,target)

hfree -w %sockname
if ($isfile(%header)) .remove %header
if ($isfile(%data)) .remove %data

alias followers.update {
if (-* iswm $1) {
var %switches = $1
tokenize 32 $2-
var %chan = #$$1, %limit = $iif($2,$2,25), %offset = $iif($3,$3,0)
var %sockname = twitch.followers. $+ $ticks
hfree -w %sockname | .hmake %sockname
hadd %sockname chan %chan
hadd %sockname limit %limit
hadd %sockname offset %offset
hadd %sockname request /kraken/channels/ $+ $mid(%chan,2-) $+ /follows?limit= $+ %limit $+ &offset= $+ %offset
hadd %sockname method GET
hadd %sockname signal followers.update
if (s isin %switches) hadd %sockname show 1
if (!$hget(followers. $+ %chan)) hadd %sockname init 1
sockopen -e %sockname api.twitch.tv 443
return %sockname

on *:signal:followers.update:{
var %err = $1, %sockname = $2, %header = $3, %data = $4
var %chan = $hget(%sockname,chan), %init = $hget(%sockname,init), %show = $hget(%sockname,show)

if (* 200 OK iswm $read(%header,n,1)) {
if (!$hget(followers. $+ %chan)) {
.hmake -s followers. $+ %chan $iif($calc($json(%data,_total) / 10) > 100,$v1,$v2)
if ($ini(followers.ini,%chan,0) > 0) hload -i followers. $+ %chan followers.ini %chan

var %i = 0, %n = $json(%data,follows).count, %new.count
while (%i < %n) {
var %name = $json(%data,follows,%i,user,name)
var %display_name = $json(%data,follows,%i,user,display_name)
if (!$hget(followers. $+ %chan,%name)) {
hadd followers. $+ %chan %name 1
if (!%init) && (%show) {
set -nz %followers. $+ %chan %followers. [ $+ [ %chan ] ] %display_name
if ($calc($len(%followers. [ $+ [ %chan ] ]) + $len(%display_name)) > 350) {
var %msg = Welcome to our new follower $+ $iif($numtok(%followers. [ $+ [ %chan ] ],32) > 1,s:,:) $regsubex(%followers. [ $+ [ %chan ] ],/( $+ $chr(32) $+ )/g,$iif(\n == \0,$iif(\0 > 2,$chr(44),$chr(32)) and $chr(32),$chr(44) $+ $chr(32))) $+ !
.timer 1 $iif(%flood.protection,$v1,0) msg %chan $safe(%msg)
inc -z %flood.protection 5
unset %followers. [ $+ [ %chan ] ]
inc %new.count
else break
inc %i

if (%new.count == $hget(%sockname,limit)) {
followers.update %chan 100 $calc($hget(%sockname,limit) + $hget(%sockname,offset))
var %next = $result
if (%init) hadd %next init 1
if (%show) hadd %next show 1
else {
if (!%init) && (%show) && (%new.count) {
var %msg = Welcome to our new follower $+ $iif($numtok(%followers. [ $+ [ %chan ] ],32) > 1,s:,:) $regsubex(%followers. [ $+ [ %chan ] ],/( $+ $chr(32) $+ )/g,$iif(\n == \0,$iif(\0 > 2,$chr(44),$chr(32)) and $chr(32),$chr(44) $+ $chr(32))) $+ !
.timer 1 $iif(%flood.protection,$v1,0) msg %chan $safe(%msg)
inc -z %flood.protection 5
unset %followers. [ $+ [ %chan ] ]
if ($hget(followers. $+ %chan)) hsave -i followers. $+ %chan followers.ini %chan

hfree -w %sockname
if ($isfile(%header)) .remove %header
if ($isfile(%data)) .remove %data

alias twitch.commercial {
var %chan = #$$1, %length = $2
var %sockname = twitch.topic. $+ $ticks
hfree -w %sockname | .hmake %sockname
hadd %sockname oath.token $twitch(%chan).token
hadd %sockname method POST
hadd %sockname request /kraken/channels/ $+ $mid(%chan,2-) $+ /commercial
hadd %sockname signal twitch.commercial
if (%length) hadd %sockname data length= $+ %length
sockopen -e %sockname api.twitch.tv 443
set -z % [ $+ [ # $+ .commercial ] ] 480
set % [ $+ [ # $+ .titlebar ] ] $window(%chan).title
.timer. $+ # $+ .commercial 480 1 titlebar.update.commercial @ [ $+ [ $window(%chan).wid ] ]

on *:signal:twitch.commercial:{
var %err = $1, %sockname = $2, %header = $3, %data = $4
var %chan = $hget(%sockname,chan)

if (* 2* !iswm $read(%header,n,1)) {
twitch.debug Error: $iif($v2,$v1,could not read header)
var %error = $json(%data,error)
var %message = $json(%data,message)
if (%error != $null) && (%message != $null) { twitch.debug Error: %error $+ , %message }

hfree -w %sockname
if ($isfile(%header)) .remove %header
if ($isfile(%data)) .remove %data

alias titlebar.update.commercial {
if (% [ $+ [ # $+ .commercial ] ] > 0) { titlebar $$1 - Commercial available in $duration($v1) }
else { titlebar $$1 % [ $+ [ # $+ .titlebar ] ] | unset % [ $+ [ # $+ .titlebar ] ] | .timer [ $+ [ $ctimer ] ] off }

alias twitch.topic {
var %chan = $1, %switch = $2, %topic = 3-
var %sockname = twitch.topic. $+ $ticks
hfree -w %sockname | .hmake %sockname
hadd %sockname chan %chan %switch
hadd %sockname oath.token $twitch(%chan).token
hadd %sockname request /kraken/channels/ $+ $mid(%chan,2-)
if (%topic != $null) {
hadd %sockname method PUT
hadd %sockname data channel[ $+ $switch $+ ]= $+ $urlencode(%topic)
hadd %sockname signal topic.set
else {
hadd %sockname method GET
hadd %sockname signal topic.get
sockopen -e %sockname api.twitch.tv 443

on *:signal:topic.get:{
var %err = $1, %sockname = $2, %header = $3, %data = $4, %chan = $5, %switch = $6
var %chan = $hget(%sockname,chan)

if (* 200 OK iswm $read(%header,n,1)) msg %chan %switch $+ : $json(%data,%switch)
else msg %chan Could not get %switch $+ !

hfree -w %sockname
if ($isfile(%header)) .remove %header
if ($isfile(%data)) .remove %data

on *:signal:topic.set:{
var %err = $1, %sockname = $2, %header = $3, %data = $4
var %chan = $hget(%sockname,chan)

if (* 200 OK iswm $read(%header,n,1)) msg %chan Status set: $json(%data,status)
else msg %chan Could not set status.

hfree -w %sockname
.remove %header | .remove %data

alias twitch.auth.request {
var %chan = #$$1, %user = $mid(%chan,2-)
var %client_id = $twitch(%chan).client_id
var %secret = $twitch(%chan).secret
var %redirect_uri = $twitch(%chan).redirect_uri
var %scope = $twitch(%chan).scope_request

if (!$sock(twitch.auth.request)) socklisten -d twitch.auth.request 80
if (%secret) url $+(https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/oauth2/authorize?response_type=code&client_id=,%client_id,&redirect_uri=,%redirect_uri,&scope=,%scope,&state=,%user)
else url $+(https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/oauth2/authorize?response_type=token&client_id=,%client_id,&redirect_uri=,%redirect_uri,&scope=,%scope,&state=,%user)

on *:socklisten:twitch.auth.request:{
var %sockname = twitch.auth.request. $+ $ticks
if ($sock(%sockname)) return

hfree -w %sockname | .hmake %sockname
hadd %sockname header.signal twitch.auth.request

sockaccept %sockname

on *:signal:twitch.auth.request:{
var %err = $1, %sockname = $2, %header = $3
var %request = $read(%header,n,1)

if ($regex(%request,^GET / HTTP)) {
var %document = <!doctype html><html><head><script>var x = null; x = new XMLHttpRequest(); x.open("GET", "/?" + document.location.hash.substring(1), false); x.send(null); document.write(x.responseText);</script></head></html>
socket.respond %sockname %document
elseif ($regex(%request,^GET /\?access_token=(\w+).*&scope=([\w+]+).*&state=(\w+))) {
var %access_token = $regml(1), %scope = $regml(2), %chan = # [ $+ [ $regml(3) ] ]

socket.respond %sockname Successfully received token, return to mIRC.
sockclose twitch.auth.request

writeini twitch.ini %chan token %access_token

remini twitch.ini %chan $+ .scope
var %i = 1, %n = $numtok(%scope,43)
while (%i <= %n) {
writeini twitch.ini %chan $+ .scope $gettok(%scope,%i,43) 1
inc %i
elseif ($regex(%request,^GET /\?code=(\w+).*&state=(\w+))) {
var %code = $regml(1), %chan = # [ $+ [ $regml(2) ] ]

twitch.token.request %chan %code %sockname
sockclose twitch.auth.request
elseif ($regex(%request,^GET /favicon.ico HTTP)) {
sockwrite -n %sockname HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
sockwrite -n %sockname Connection: close
sockwrite -n %sockname $crlf
else socket.respond %sockname Could not retrieve token.

if ($isfile(%header)) .remove %header

alias twitch.token.request {
var %chan = #$$1, %code = $$2, %response.sockname = $$3
var %client_id = $twitch(%chan).client_id
var %client_secret = $twitch(%chan).secret
var %redirect_uri = $twitch(%chan).redirect_uri
var %data = $+(client_id=,%client_id,&client_secret=,%client_secret,&grant_type=authorization_code,&redirect_uri=,%redirect_uri,&code=,%code)

var %sockname = twitch.token.request. $+ $ticks
hfree -w %sockname | .hmake %sockname
hadd %sockname method POST
hadd %sockname request /kraken/oauth2/token
hadd %sockname data %data
hadd %sockname signal twitch.token.request
hadd %sockname chan %chan
hadd %sockname twitch.code.respond %response.sockname
sockopen -e %sockname api.twitch.tv 443

on *:signal:twitch.token.request:{
var %err = $1, %sockname = $2, %header = $3, %data = $4
var %chan = $hget(%sockname,chan)

if (* 200 OK iswm $read(%header,n,1)) {
writeini twitch.ini %chan token $json(%data,access_token)

remini twitch.ini %chan $+ .scope
var %i = 0, %n = $json(%data,scope).count
while (%i < %n) {
writeini twitch.ini %chan $+ .scope $json(%data,scope,%i) 1
inc %i

socket.respond $hget(%sockname,twitch.code.respond) Successfully received token, return to mIRC.
else {
socket.respond $hget(%sockname,twitch.code.respond) Could not retrieve token.

sockclose -w twitch.auth.request
hfree -w %sockname
if ($isfile(%header)) .remove %header
if ($isfile(%data)) .remove %data

on *:sockopen:twitch.*:{
var %a = sockwrite -n $sockname

%a $hget($sockname,method) $hget($sockname,request) HTTP/1.1
%a Host: api.twitch.tv
%a Connection: close
%a Accept: application/vnd.twitchtv.v2+json
if ($hget($sockname,oath.token) != $null) %a Authorization: OAuth $v1
if ($hfind($sockname,data).item) {
%a Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
%a Content-Length: $len($hget($sockname,data))
%a $+($crlf,$hget($sockname,data))

on *:sockread:twitch.*:{
var %headerfile = $sockname $+ .header.txt
var %datafile = $sockname $+ .data.txt

if (!$sock($sockname).mark) {
var %header | sockread %header
while (%header != $null) {
write %headerfile %header
if (%header == Transfer-Encoding: chunked) {
hadd $sockname chunk-size 0
sockread %header
if ($sockbr) {
if ($hget($sockname,header.signal)) .signal $v1 0 $sockname %headerfile
sockmark $sockname $true
if ($sock($sockname).mark) {
var %chunk
if ($hget($sockname,chunk-size) == 0) {
sockread %chunk
if ($base(%chunk,16,10) !isnum) sockread %chunk
hadd $sockname chunk-size $base(%chunk,16,10)
if ($hget($sockname,chunk-size) == 0) {
sockread %chunk
sockread $hget($sockname,chunk-size) &read
while ($sockbr) {
if ($hget($sockname,chunk-size) != 0) bwrite %datafile -1 -1 &read
if ($hget($sockname,chunk-size)) hdec $sockname chunk-size $sockbr
if ($hget($sockname,chunk-size) == 0) {
sockread %chunk
if ($base(%chunk,16,10) isnum) %chunk = $v1
else {
sockread %chunk
if ($base(%chunk,16,10) isnum) %chunk = $v1
if (%chunk isnum) {
hadd $sockname chunk-size %chunk
if (%chunk == 0) sockread %chunk
sockread $hget($sockname,chunk-size) &read

on *:sockclose:twitch.*:{
var %header = $sockname $+ .header.txt
var %data = $sockname $+ .data.txt
var %signal = $hget($sockname,signal)

if (%signal) .signal %signal 0 $sockname %header %data
else {
hfree -w $sockname
if ($isfile(%header)) .remove %header
if ($isfile(%data)) .remove %data

alias -l twitch {
if ($1) && ($readini(twitch.ini,n,$1,$prop)) { return $v1 } 
else return $readini(twitch.ini,n,global,$prop)

alias twitch.setup {
var %chan = $iif($1,$1,# [ $+ [ $mnick ] ])
var %scopes = chat_login+channel_read+channel_editor+channel_commercial+channel_subscriptions+channel_check_subscription+user_follows_edit

writeini twitch.ini global redirect_uri http://localhost/
writeini twitch.ini global scope_request %scopes
if (!$twitch(%chan).client_id) writeini twitch.ini %chan client_id PASTE_ID_HERE

flushini twitch.ini
run twitch.ini

menu channel {
$iif(!$isfile(twitch.ini),Twitch Setup) : twitch.setup #
$iif($twitch(#).client_id && !$twitch(#).token,Request Token) : twitch.auth.request #

$iif($twitch(#).token, Commercial)
.$iif(% [ $+ [ # $+ .commercial ] ],$style(2)) 30 seconds:twitch.commercial # 30
.$iif(% [ $+ [ # $+ .commercial ] ],$style(2)) 60 seconds:twitch.commercial # 60
.$iif(% [ $+ [ # $+ .commercial ] ],$style(2)) 90 seconds:twitch.commercial # 90

$iif($twitch(#).token, Followers)
.Welcome now:followers.update -s #
.$iif($timer(.followers. $+ #).delay == 300000,$style(1)) 5 minute interval:if ($timer(.followers. $+ #).delay == 300000) .timer.followers. $+ # off | else .timer.followers. $+ # 0 300 followers.update -s #
.$iif($timer(.followers. $+ #).delay == 600000,$style(1)) 10 minute interval:if ($timer(.followers. $+ #).delay == 600000) .timer.followers. $+ # off | else .timer.followers. $+ # 0 600 followers.update -s #
.$iif($timer(.followers. $+ #).delay == 1800000,$style(1)) 30 minute interval:if ($timer(.followers. $+ #).delay == 1800000) .timer.followers. $+ # off | else .timer.followers. $+ # 0 1800 followers.update -s #

$iif($twitch(#).token,Topic) : twitch.topic # $$?="Enter topic:"

$iif($twitch(#).token,Renew Token) : twitch.auth.request #

alias -l twitch.debug {
if (!$window(@Twitch.tv)) window -e2hk0xz @Twitch.tv
echo -i2t @Twitch.tv $1-

alias -l socket.respond {
var %sockname = $$1, %data = $2-
sockwrite -n %sockname HTTP/1.1 200 OK
sockwrite -n %sockname Connection: close
sockwrite -n %sockname Content-Length: $len(%data)
sockwrite -n %sockname $+($crlf,%data)

alias safe return $!decode( $encode($1,m) ,m)
alias -l urlencode return $regsubex($1-,/([^A-Z0-9])/gi,$+(%,$base($asc(\1),10,16)))

Any idea what could be the problem? From already thank you very much.
Try using this code. Just insert your access token where it says BOT_ACCESSTOKEN
on $*:TEXT:/^!(status|game)(\s|$)/iS:#:{
  var %n = $lower($regml(1))
  var %json = TwitchStreamUpdate
  var %data
  if ($0 == 1) {
    JSONOpen -du %json https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/ $+ $lower($mid(#, 2-))
    if ($JSONError) {
      msg # Unable to retrieve $lower(%n $+ .)
    elseif ($json(%json, %n)) {
      msg # Current %n $+ : $v1
    else {
      msg # Unable to retrieve $lower(%n $+ .)
  elseif ($nick != $mid(#,2-)) {
  else {
    var %data, %json = TwitchStreamUpdate
    if (%n == status) {
      %data = {"channel":{"status":" $+ $escape($2-) $+ "}}
    else {
      %data = {"channel":{"game":" $+ $escape($2-) $+ "}}
    JSONOpen -duw %json https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/channels/ $+ $lower($mid(#, 2-))
    JSONUrlMethod %json PUT
    JSONUrlHeader %json Connection close
    JSONUrlHeader %json Accept application/vnd.twitchtv.v3+json
    JSONUrlHeader %json Content-type application/json
    JSONUrlHeader %json Content-length $len(%data)
    JSONUrlHeader %json Authorization OAuth BOT_ACCESSTOKEN
    JSONUrlGet %json %data
    if ($jsonerror) {
      msg # Unable to update $lower(%n $+ .)
    elseif ($JSON(%json, %n)) {
      msg # Updated $lower($1) $+ : $v1
    else {
      msg # Unable to update $lower(%n $+ .)

alias -l escape return $regsubex($1-, /([^a-z\d_-\.])/gi, \ $+ \t)
Posted By: Khonor Re: [Twitch] Help with !status and !game - 26/05/16 02:20 AM
@paper0rplastic Now if the bot responds, but do not set the state and game..

- Me: !game The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth

- Bot: Unable to update game.

And the same goes when I want to update the status tells me: Unable to update status. Not exactly what the problem is.
Posted By: Fonic_Artes Re: [Twitch] Help with !status and !game - 26/05/16 04:44 AM
Is the bot authorized to your account? Does it have the scopes required to change the game and such?
Posted By: Khonor Re: [Twitch] Help with !status and !game - 26/05/16 05:15 AM
Hi @Fonic_Artes,

If I am using mTwitch: Twitch normalizer for mIRC for scripts based on JSON and also the OAuth token for the bot.

until I tested with the Access Token to access and edit the status and game, but nothing has paid off me so far only I get the answer that previously indicated.
Posted By: Khonor Re: [Twitch] Help with !status and !game - 26/05/16 09:23 PM
Any idea what could be the problem?
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