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Posted By: UNNGH Bot Scripting NEED HELP - 04/07/15 09:02 PM
Hi there, i am new to running bots and i dont really know how to do what i want. So what I would like is a script that goes:

on join:(to the joining person) {Welcome to Mychannel Rules: x y z}
on join:(to joining person) {Please prove you are a person, type this in: (generated code)}

if (code = correct){
kick reason: wrong code

if (one of of mod/admin = joins){
on join:(to everyone) {[MOD]Admin HAS JOINED}

every 5 minutes: say to everyone {It is hh:mm:ss am/pm, there are x people online "any other info"}

There is more but i want to see if someone will help.

Posted By: Nillen Re: Bot Scripting NEED HELP - 04/07/15 09:58 PM
In mSL, you can't have brackets touching code.

Type /help : to read about certain events and identifiers.
on *:join:#: { 
set %Captcha $rand(1,9999999)
notice $nick Hey there! Please prove that you are a person by typing %Captcha

on *:notice:*:#: { 
if ($istok(%CaptchaList,$nick,32)) { check_words $chan $nick $1- }
on *:text:*:#: {
if ($istok(%CaptchaList,$nick,32)) { check_words $chan $nick $1- }

alias -l check_words {
if ($3 == %Captcha) { notice $2 Correct! }
else { 
notice $nick WRONG! 
kick $1 $2

You can't check if the user is an op on the join event without using a timer. Instead of relying on this, you can try using the on op event. /help on op

Regarding the last one, it's a simple timer. You can try setting up an alias that has the message you want and call that alias every 5 minutes. /help timers
Posted By: bl968 Re: Bot Scripting NEED HELP - 21/07/15 06:53 AM
No need for a timer.


The on OP and on DEOP events trigger when a user on a channel is opped or deopped.

Format: on <level>:OP:<#[,#]>:<commands>
Example: on 1:OP:#mirc,#irchelp:/msg $opnick Please do not abuse your Op status

Generally the op event happens immediately after the join.

on *:join:#: {

There is no need for a space between the colon and the left bracket...

on *:join:#:{

Works just fine.
Posted By: Nillen Re: Bot Scripting NEED HELP - 21/07/15 08:27 AM
If you read the first post you'd see that he was requesting different responses whether or not an user who joined was an op or not. I also mentioned the on op event in my previous post as a more reliable version of checking for ops than adding to a variable and starting a timer to check if user is an op 2 seconds later, did you even read my post? I'm also aware that :#: { can be written :#:{, but this is the only part in mSL where a squiggly bracket is allowed to touch code and I try to stay consistent; thus I use :#: {. If you also look at the first post, he made several occurences of squiggly brackets touching code where they can't, hence I mentioned it.
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