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Posted By: Bauws [Twitch] Ban a user if names contains a phrase - 22/06/15 09:05 PM
I'm looking to setup a command that would ban a user if their username contained a certain phrase (to ban spam accounts).

I have some knowledge with mIRC and twitch chat managing bots but I have no idea how I would go about this.

Any help is appreciated laugh
Do you know how to check if a sentence is within a string?

Your string in this case is $nick - as simple as that.
Kinda, just a little flustered atm with what i have going on so probably not thinking straight haha

so i would just basically check if $nick contains the phrase that i want filtered out and if so then ban them?

EDIT: would you also mind posting an example just so i know if I end up doing it right?
most simple
if (*spammer*user* iswm $nick) { msg $chan .ban $nick }
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