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Posted By: quinox_san non-printing ascii characters convertor - 23/12/02 04:16 PM
Needed one, could not find one, wrote one, shared one

Alias npcToStr {
; non-printing ascii characters convertor, useful for converting HTML
; made by QuinoX for fun
var %pre $1-
var %post
var %pos $pos($1-,$chr(37),1)
var %prot ($ticks + 1000)
while ((%pos != $null) && ($ticks > %prot)) {
; %post = %post $left(%pre, (%pos-1)) $+ $asc($mid(%pre, (%pos+1), (%pos+3))) $+ 
%post = %post $+ $left(%pre, $calc(%pos - 1)) $+ $chr($base($mid(%pre, $calc(%pos + 1), 2),16,10)) $+ 
%pre = $right(%pre,$calc(-%pos - 2))
%pos = $pos(%pre,$chr(37),1)
return $replace($strip(%post $+ %pre),[,[,],], ,$chr(32),²,$chr(178),³,$chr(179),<,$chr(60),>,$chr(62),&,&)

example input:


example output:

Input[CSD] [ ..:: ] [ @ | ~ | .:: wazaah ::. | ~ | @ ] [ ::.. ] [ Useful for html... ] [CSD]

Posted By: Merlin Re: non-printing ascii characters convertor - 23/12/02 07:30 PM
Unless someone asks for it - i might be a good chance to submit it to several scripting sites like mircscripts.org or team-clanx. Please do it next time - thanks smile
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